Table Time – Gator Days (OC)

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There are… worse things you could be competitive about than having a fun house, I suppose

It starts with ping pong. Then air hockey. Soon it will be tabletop shuffleboard. Then the nuclear option…cheap retro arcade cabinets!

Ahh, the classic “my dad is cooler and could beat up your dad”

I see now where Hannah gets her competitive streak from

Air hockey table — spend nine hours on delivery, power and assembly, for the kids to play twice ever, max.

I was the kid in this scenario lol, my poor mom

Gotta order a trampoline while you’re at it. Kids *love* trampolines.

Oh haha I get it. It’s a bear and an otter (both in the literal sense and not)

I think Daryl is trying to get a few precious moments with his kid and her friends and it’s too damn adorable

Next thing you know, they have too much space taken up by these things.

…How long until that includes a pool table?

Opening Reddit to see another Gator Days post from Field is the wholesome energy I need to start my day 🙂

Daryl Wilson coded

I don’t understand. How are ALL of your characters so dang endearing? I’d say Daryl is my new favorite but EVERYONE is my current favorite.

It’s not a competition…

But what if it is

Oh Seth, if you only knew.

You keep making likable characters, like the consistency is crazy.

This is my parents. They spent years making their house as fun to hang out in as possible then got really upset when none of their children wanted to move home for the Covid pandemic. It was literally what they had been preparing for!

But can they play both at the same time?

“It’s not a competition!”

“Yeah, because the other friend is *losing* now.”

The gay couple is a bear and otter? That’s so cute!

Edit: Also lol at the ping pong and air hockey. I suck at table tennis but I enjoy playing it, and I’m good at air hockey but I get bored quickly playing it.

I’ve gotta ask, have you listened to the podcast dungeons and daddies, because there is a character named Daryl who gives off really similar energy.

… Now I want a ping pong table

You are correct, it’s not a competition. I just realized how badly I need a ping pong table, an air hockey table, and probably a multi-cade in my life.

your comics always make me crack a smile. i get excited when i come across one when im scrolling! such pure wholesome energy

Ahhh memories of going to that one friend house that had a working computer with a copy Duke Nukem
And StarCraft Broodwars that was the cool dad.

Heheh a bear and an otter.

I think Seth and Daryl could pull of a Walter and the Dude couple cosplay. Something to keep in mind for next Halloween.

NGL I’ve started a full gaming rig arcade setup with a Steam Deck emulation for the kids.

Been told by another parent that I’m causing some drama at their house over them ‘just having a switch’.

Daryl has air hockey table money? He must be sponsored by Taco Bell.

I recently found your comics. Loving them. So wholesome and great.

You also need to be the house with lots of snacks.


Is that a comic with a Bear and Otter as a gay couple? No judgement, my gay friend just taught me the difference between the gay labels of bears and otters and I feel giddy understanding a reference.

I love these comics and the comic replies as well every time. It fills my heart and makes the days so much better!

OP, I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season! Thank you so much for these gifts all year long 🫶🏼

What about bubble hockey… the ultimate flex

Don’t look cool enough, what about a ball pit, arcade machines and those mechanical riding machines too?

I hope we get to see the family enjoying the fruits of Daryl’s competitive spirit

When I escape from the demon of professional childcare costs I might buy one of those combo arcade cabinets for the basement. My uncle had one of those and it was super cool even if it wasn’t official.

It’s Not a competition until the first kid claims another mother’s cookies are better. Then it’s war.

Daryl knows it IS a competition, and he intends to win it.

This comic will never not fail to put a smile on my face

It is a competition.

Never overlap toy with the neighbours, its better if every house has a different flavour of fun.

This is so adorable

Not sure if Daryl is being overly protective of Hannah that he wants her to stay at home or is insecure of another parent buying a ping pong table thus being the “cool” parent. Either way, papa bear mode activated!!

The smart move would have been to get one of those absurd multisport tables!

I grew up with an air hockey table and foosball table (aka I grew up with my dad bodying me at foosball and my brother bodying me at both). I will say I’d give up both for a ping pong table. Ping pong is one of the most fun activities there is. Foosball > air hockey though.

It is and we’re losing Seth.

It isn’t?

You gotta keep up with the Jones’

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