So they are now Prioritising the big fellas…

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The Black Lives Matter movement was met with derision and scorn by the law enforcement community at large.

But apparently New York officials is all about the CEO Lives Matter movement.

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Everything about this situation should show you how politicians, the media, and billionaires view the majority in this country.

Gosh, I bet that won’t backfire. I don’t even live in NY but I would flood that with bullshit calls.

Cyberpunk 2077 is shaping up nicely.

Jesus christ! The jittery CEOs will flood it with calls about scary brown people. Which will divert police attention from actual emergencies. Besides they have/can hire their own security personnel who are able to react immediately if there’s a threat

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If this is real, we truly need to have the French revolution American style

One CEO get shot and now we need a dedicated line for 911. Meanwhile school shootings happen constantly. No action. America only cares about money, not people.

You are the currency.

Yeah, that’s not going to add any more reason for the common folk to want them dead.

I would like to report being terrorized by CEO’s monetizing my life based on their ability to cause my slow lingering death

Yeah, that would’ve done the last guy a lot of good.. shot from behind with a silenced pistol

Now? They’ve always prioritized the wealthy. Now they’re just getting more and more open about it.

There’s going to be a special government-run police force, just for protecting the oligarchs pretty soon.

Watch and see.

If this starts becoming a thing I’m going to pay the $75 bucks and file an LLC with the Secretary of State listing Electrical Dig as CEO.


Oh so people have to wait for their stalkers to physically harm them before something gets done, but CEOS get a special line for PERCEIVED threats? Fuck off.

Let’s see, people are fed up with being treated like shit by rich people so they’re considering creating a special version of 911 just for rich people… yeah that’s totally a good idea. Create even MORE disparity. No chance that’ll upset poor people or anything.

All that money and no big boy britches to be found.

They only make it worse by the day lmao, it is quite comical.

This dystopia was more fun when it was subtle

I remember, decades ago, being an unenlightened late-teenager telling this new communist friend I had made that “surely you cannot really think that the police is only a guard dog for the capitalist”. My commie friend was right and time will only radicalize me as masks keep dropping off.

Tick tock. History has shown us what happens to countries that attempt a two state system. One for rich and one for poor.

Let them set it up.

No one saw Luigi coming—it’s not as if the next one will announce their plans publicly.

Also I have a feeling Kathy is not long for her job—wasting tax dollars on bullshit like this.

Oh, they aren’t wealthy enough to hire their own security? Fuck them.

Parasites indeed.

Nothing for VPs and middle managers? Does this mean if I form an LLC shell company and make myself CEO, I get to use the hotline? So many questions.

There was another school shooting today, but yes, let’s worry about those poor abused CEOs.

Honestly, I just assumed once you got that rich, you’d already have a direct line to a police chief anytime you felt unsafe or needed security on short notice. Much like high ranking politicians who already have security/secret service on deck.

Trump whined and cried about the two justice systems despite the FACT he benefited from them. Now that it’s common knowledge that we have these two different systems it makes sense they are expanding the sorts of things the wealthy will get treated better with.

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