No one knows the name of this button

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I remember when that button used to be called “select”. I’m old as fuck.

Press the button formerly known as select

I tell everyone to press the ‘not start button’

real xbox gamers remember the black and white buttons before there were bumpers

It is now the box button and the sandwich button

Select and Start I swear

I still have to look at my controller for those 2 buttons. Every other button I have memorized and don’t need to look, but the 3 line button and the (what looks like) recent app button suck!

It’s the “say racist, homophobic and/or misogynistic comments in the call of duty lobby” button.

At least it’s better than “options” on the PS4.

I still call it select.

It’s the view button 

Literally not sure if that’s start or select, since even though I use a Xbox controller often well PC gaming, that’s all they’ve ever been to me, start and select. Get menu and back was a thing for a while but since most games just used the image of the actual button instead of the name, I never associate which is which. Are they trying to rename start and select again?


Back/menu/select meh, everyone knows what you mean. Doesn’t detract from having fun.

B button.

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