Snipers are the worst people

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When you’re trying to enjoy the game, but someone decides to cosplay as God and deliver judgment from across the map

Ehy. Atleast he needs to have aim or be good. Imagine there’s a shit a player that just sprays around and you get instakilled. (Yes rainbow I’m talking about you)

haha tree and mosin go brrrr

TBH if you wanna have fun don’t play rank games

Whistling bushes

The reason I refuse to Devote to shooters. Especially Games where you can SEE where they are/Aiming (3rd PS) And somehow the shoot me a new one THROUGH COVER. That infuriates me to no end. “Wall? what wall?”

Someone’s been playing a lot of 2fort lately.


So many people cry wtf, hate the game not the player and also, git gud.

I’m not master sniper and I hate the thought of laying prone 900m across the map in the corner, but I do love counter sniping those guys. Staying near objectives with my motion sensors and spawn beacons while hiding at weird angles on the bottom floor of a building to line up with where I know the campers like to sit. 

With the bullet drop and travel time Battlefield games have, it doe make the sniping feel a little less cheesy than other games too. 

Sometimes ruining other people’s day is the most entertaining thing possible


I complained about snipers in an overwatch match then a bunch of people agreed in chat to report me for it and my account got muted for two weeks

Snipers are the most annoying sissies on the planet, go play objective with us normal people and actually help the team rather than sitting 2km away from the action picking off one guy every other minute or so. Play the damn game and fight the good fight.

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