Eat Healthy

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I don’t think she drank water either, she ignored doctors for years too.

Yeah, looks like she is real healthy in these photos.

She had an eating disorder and made money off it, and using social media like she did just validated the disease in her head. It’s a mental health issue worsened by likes and followers. No one but the best medical teams would’ve had a chance of changing her mind. There’s no reasoning with people stuck in an eating disorder – your brain is lying to you with the benefit of making it all seem 100% right and true. This woman, unfortunately, had a hell of a battle ahead of her. I hope she finds peace now.

Impressive how long the human body can endure something like that.

Using the word “Reportedly” is just another way of saying “We were too lazy to fact check but it’s most likely true”.

& here I am on fast foods for more than 15 years, waiting to die.

“She ate only durian and jackfruit for seven years,” said a friend. “You don’t need to be a doctor to understand where this will lead.”

Technically a vegan diet but not an accurate description of her diet.

She had an extremely limited and unbalanced diet that consisted of only certain fruits and fruit juices for YEARS! No vegetables, no grains, etc…

She looks like a holocaust survivor

Holy cow, seriously…when will people learn that a balanced diet is what’s best for them. Your diet can still be balanced even if you are Vegan. You have to eat rice, sweet potatoes, and whole wheat bread, at least every so often. Not all vegetables fulfill the same purpose. It’s why frozen vegetable blends are a great resource. Nuts like cashews and pecans have fats, minerals (Selenium and Copper), and protein that would make up for the lack of dairy and animal products.

Hell, we have 6 different kinds of non-dairy MILK available that could assist in balancing a vegan diet. There’s just no excuse for ignorance on this topic, especially from somebody claiming to eat healthfully.

Who in the world thinks she’s healthy??

I’m not vegan nor do I ever have any desire to stop eating delicious meat, but there are healthy ways to be vegan. Solely eating raw fruit is not it.

Name: Zhanna D’art. Died in July of 2023.

Sauce: [](

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Darwin Adware WINNER

I worked with a fruitarian. First time I saw him he was in the break area, washing strawberries. Like 60 of them. I thought “oh that’s nice. He brought strawberries for everyone”. Nope. Just brought this giant bowl back to his desk and chowed down.

The funny thing is, it was a health company. People are crazy.

Darwin rules….

There’s another YT channel called Jeff Juices who’s promoting mostly fruit juices diet, all the comments are just concerned people

I mean, look at look at her !

You’re alive does not mean you’re healthy…

Once an influencer, always an influencer

I love it when humans tried to see our own limit. So I won’t be doing their thing.

I mean she looks horrible in those pictures so not surprised

Self healing system

Ah, yes. Been waiting to hear this news for about ten years now. Not because she deserves it (though she was famous for promoting a wildly unhealthy diet and flaunting a body that she got from severe restriction and some plastic surgery), but because it was obviously going to happen. She was huge in my community (anorexic people who wanted to recover from their ED’s without actually recovering) because she claimed you could eat as much fruit as you wanted and never get fat. Ever. She seemed to pull it off, but then you see behind the scenes that she is overexercising beyond belief to burn off every calorie she consumes, and it all makes more sense. I feel bad for her…it was plain that she was desperately struggling with her own eating disorder. That’s a dark and painful world to be in. Guess it got her in the end.

As gross as it is trying to essentially brand and market what is ostensibly a “pro-ana” lifestyle for profit, eating disorders are absolutely all consuming and really difficult to understand.

I’m 5’10 and got to about 110 lbs when I was in deepest. I’m doing better now but I still idealise that version of me and tell myself I was happier when I was emaciated even though everyone around me told me I looked like I was dying and I probably would’ve if I kept starving myself.

It’s an insidious compulsion and no one should be shamed because their brains are betraying them – same for people who struggle with obesity. Everyone deserves compassion.

Anorexia in the name of veganism.

I guess bodyPROmorphia is a thing too

I’m stunned.

This is news from summer 2023. Good morning, OP.

I don’t think it was about the fruits and vegetables.

So basically sugar only and reduced caloric intake…

Anybody know this lady’s name? Sure this is real?

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Ah yes, apparently empowered to the bone

Play stupid games, win stupid prices

I understand vegetarians (not eating meat) but I can’t understand vegans. It’s definitely not as healthy or miraculous as it’s promoted to be.

This wasn’t because of Veganism. This was because she had an eating disorder.

What’s her name

A vegan friendly Darwin award, who’d have thunk it ??

I worked with a guy who did this for about 9 months. He got progressively more sickly while eating like 6 bananas for lunch. Thankfully he came to his senses and switched to a normal vegetarian diet.

I hate that people will see this and use it as fuel for why they won’t change to plant based eating.

There are pro NFL players that eat a completely raw vegan diet. This is an example of anorexia.

That’s a mental disorder thinking you’re ok when you look like that .

If she is healthy looking, I’ll pass.

Jain monks survive a similar diet. But they are doing it for religious reasons. This chick was just wacko

Wild. It’s not even that hard to survive on primarily vegan options. She must have explicitly been excluding the things she needed to live, and any nutritional supplements that would have also helped.

I mean that much is obvious just based off of her size. She had an eating disorder, vegan or not. Vegans can easily be fat. Lots of plant matter is quite tasty fried. Her size and malnutrition was not a result of veganism. It was a result of an eating disorder. She died of untreated mental illness. The physical cause was simply the malnutrition.

Odd way to describe an eating disorders

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