Deuces ✌🏾

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The Walking Dead when Carl was bitten — deleted the show from my dvr then and there. Didn’t watch again until The Ones Who Live.

Lol that show lost its way when they started having fun every day in prison

Last episode of Game of Thrones. I can’t rewatch it or House of The Dragon. Why I can never forgive David Benioff and D. B. Weiss (D&D) is because HBO offered them a blank checkbook for as many seasons as it took to end it correctly.

I know this is ridiculous but that episode of Great British Bakeoff when they eliminated Liam I haven’t watched since! My sweet black boy joy did not deserve to leave!


The Walking Dead episode where they didn’t kill Negan

What’s the reference in the Twitter post? Is that Orange is the New Black? If so, what happened in that scene?

I watched two and a half seasons of How to Get Away With Murder for a girl before I realized I fucking hated the show. Things never even went anywhere with the girl. Low point I am not proud of.

Quit watching Dexter when Doakes died. It felt like taking jam off toast.

Danielle Brooks (Tasty) does her best work in the series from this point, though. She was robbed for an Emmy and golden globe wins. Truly awe-inspiring work.

When they killed Kate Mara in House of Cards for no fucking reason. Made it clear the entire point of the show was to get you invested in to a character so they could kill them off just to try and shock you.

Edit to address the same two replies I keep getting:

-I understand it was “in character”…that doesn’t change the fact that it made it clear it was not a show worth watching because the entire point was to build a character and then kill them off. We get it, he’s ruthless, great. Don’t waste my time building someone for 7 hours of screen time just to prove they were expendable.

-I don’t care if it was in the source material. That just means the source material was also a waste of time. They could have easily left her alive and used her character for tons of different things. Killing her wasn’t the only possible option. The source material chose a shitty plot line, and the second go of the show still decided to keep it.

Bonus addition: to those saying, “did you even watch the rest of the show???”… no…because that’s literally the point of this entire post…

When The 100 killed off Lexa. She was fascinating and had insane chemistry with Clarke


Dr Who. The weeping angels. I was terrified… literally never watched it again. Doesn’t matter who the Dr is… not interested. No thank you. Bye xx

i stopped when Bennett just dipped off into the sunset. shit pissed me off so bad I never watched it again.

This was when Hollywood was milking tf out of police brutality too. The episode prior was my last episode.

Kind of dated, but the end of season 3 of Bones, when Zach Addy was the secret apprentice. Fuuuuuck that noise, you did not just get rid of my boy for this dumbass plot line.

The walking dead, i stopped after like the 6th episode of season 7, the Neagan storyline wasnt nearly as interesting as i thought it would be and the fact that the show was spending whole episodes in characters i didnt really care about didnt help, nothing weird or crazy happened, i just stopped caring

American Horror Story.

Tried too hard to be edgy. Too many seasons of back story to irrelevant plot points to fill air time. Weird tie backs that didn’t make sense. Then they added Kim.


…and just like that, I was done with American Idol forever.
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There was a show that was beloved by critics but not super popular called “Rectify” on AMC. Ray McKinnon was the creator. He’s my favorite director.

The show was about a man who’d been imprisoned for murder since he was a teen but then got out on appeal and returns to his small southern home town. My own brother is in prison for murder. The show is incredibly well done and gets so much of the emotion exactly right. So much so that in an episode where he tells his mom “it’s not your fault” – the actresses reaction was so intense and perfect that it broke me. She needed so badly to hear that and it made me think of my own mother. And I just fell apart for hours and I never finished the series. It was too good and too real for me.

Yall are slick destroying alot of shows I was planning on watching🤣🤣🤣

I ain’t gon lie, ima trooper. I’ve been through a bunch of great shows that made me want to stop watching, but my follow-through is immaculate. I do my best to finish a show no matter how stupid or inconsistent it gets, i.e., game of thrones, being human, prison break, beauty and the beast, black lightning, Grey’s anatomy, the magicians, shameless, etc.
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When Jon snow stabbed Daenerys, made Bran the king of the six kingdoms and missandei getting beheaded …

Oh and Walter White killing Mike Ehrmantraut

After Glenn died.

That episode of Grey’s Anatomy and the bus. I was barely in it but that ruined it for me.

Justice for my girl Poussey but let’s not act like Tasty ain’t get her justice either 😢 she serving a life sentence for a murder she ain’t commit 😭

It was American Gods for me especially after they fired Orlando Jones after season 2. The newest showrunner didn’t know Jones’s accolades of being part of the writers room, the writers guild and made an extensive character Bible for the poc characters and gods. Especially after Neil Gaiman himself picked Orlando to be Mr. Nancy/Anansi

I was unemployed and watch every episode of Lost up until the final season, once the random (angels?) or whatever show up, I stopped watching. I think I’m like at 4 more episodes or something. I tried again one time later and was even more disgusted. That show was bad. Every story arc was just cookie cutter reload.

Derek dying in Greys

Peaky Blinders, after Grace. I just couldn’t bear his heartbreak.

Bates Motel – YOU MAKE BAD GODDAMN DECISIONS NORMA!!! I wanted to like that show so badly but I just couldn’t continue to subject myself to it

Scandal – same deal. Olivia, get some goddamn therapy and self respect and stop fucking the president

The Good Doctor. I never looked back after they >!killed off Melendez. Claire had gone through enough.!<

Scott’s tots of the office…. Season 6 episode 12. Jk I did not stop watching but so far in a television history this is the most difficult one to sit thru

Oh yes, my entire family on that episode of OITNB

Death Note: when L died. I googled the rest

Walking Dead: Glen and Abraham (that was too much in one episode I just could not after that)

Game of Thrones: …..I guess it can’t really count since they Literally waited into the last episode to screw up.

I cried for days after Poussey. Then the kept memorializing her and I had to keep reliving that trauma. I just couldn’t do it. It was waaaay too soon after George Floyd and all.

Literally. Because why Poussey and not Piper’s stupid ass?

Twitter spoiled it before I could watch and since I was already halfway out the door on OITNB, I was kinda mad but not really.

One of those viral accounts then posted the video and I got mad all over again.

Never seen a full episode, I remember seeing my mom watch Yellowstone. In this episode, Kevin Costers son was with some ranch hands around a campfire. He was branding his ranch hands so everyone knew what ranch they worked for. One of the ranch hands happens to be black. A black man getting branded like an animal.


Torchwood (kind of a spin-off of Dr Who) lost me during the episodes/season when people had to sacrifice their kids. Overall great show but that was too much for me like I’m watching to escape reality and I don’t need to watch things that echo reality and especially anything involving kids getting hurt makes me immediately stop watching the show or movie.

Also, Walking Dead lost me when the woman (I think her name was Laurie or something like that) flipped her car on an empty freaking road and then obviously all the zombies came out. Such lazy writing like “haha women are bad drivers”. Can’t stand wasting time on such stupidity and obvious insult of a whole gender.

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I’m not sure why, and I fucking loved the show with my whole-ass heart, but her death just shook me so hard I couldn’t watch after that.

I don’t even like Charlene Yi that much!

This was a whole different type of pain

This is a good list of shows to stay away from. Great!

A lot of you are complaining about Glen’s death in the Walking Dead. He didn’t actually die, he just woke up in “Beef” Skyrim-style

I’ve restarted watching Lost after seeing it live as a kid 20 (!) years ago. My wife, who has never seen the show or know about it since she grew up in another country, is watching it with me. She’s absolutely loving it so far and we just started season 5. She has no idea what’s coming in the last seasons and actually neither do I as it’s been so long I forgot. I just know it’s bad.

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