Don’t let them gaslight you

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So the Feds have stolen 2.5 trillion in wealth from taxpayers and misspent it and thats why we … should … keep.. this… system?

This is incredibly misleading. Of course social security has a surplus, thatโ€™s how it works. The surplus itโ€™s shrinking because of changing demographics. Once it reaches $0 in nine years from now the trust fund is gone.ย 

None of that has anything to do with the government borrowing against it. The surplus doesnโ€™t sit around in cash, it is invested in government bonds.ย 

This is such stupid misinformation, you should feel ashamed.ย 

Maybe, maybe not, but if youโ€™re still planning on relying solely on social security for your retirement, you seriously need to reconsider that strategy.

The Democrats and republicans have spent the money. Stop gaslighting people.

Donโ€™t let the OP gaslight you.

The quotes around โ€œborrowedโ€ would have you believe this money has been depleted. It hasnโ€™t. Itโ€™s been borrowed in the forms of bonds which are on their way to generating close to $1T to put back into the program. Itโ€™s already returned close to $800B since 2017.

As for the borrowers, thatโ€™s both Ds and Rs. Given that most people in here are Ds, itโ€™s safer to assume they live in D districts. So if they donโ€™t like what their reps and senators are doing, call them about it. And please post a recording. Iโ€™d love to hear the education they provide.

The government needs to stop bailing out corrupt corporations when they file for bankruptcy
With public money for a company that isnโ€™t even public!

It shouldn’t be surprising that the Republican party wants to get rid of social security, since it’s a socialist policy that goes against right-wing political philosophy. You can make the argument that most people would be better off saving money in a retirement account than to pay into the social security system. That said, the program is very popular, so it seems unlikely that they will abolish it.

This is horseshit gaslighting.

There is no surplus unless you consider the need to continue payments in the future as optional.

No money has been taken, this is a grade A urban legend.

Social Security isnโ€™t going anywhere. Itโ€™s all fear tactics to get votes. Theyโ€™ve been screaming about its impending demise for as long as I can remember, at least 40 years. Boomers, being an oversized generation, were supposed to bring it down once and for all, yet here we are with them all in retirement now and things are still chugging along.

Still, thereโ€™s always room for improvement. I think the government should grant every American, at birth, 10 thousand dollars into an investment account that cannot be withdrawn from until retirement age. Without any further contributions, one would still end up with far more money that social security would ever provide.


You left out the fact that SS cannot pay all the SS benefits people have worked so hard for beginning in 2033. It is not a republican or democratic issue but one this entire country must solve. Until a bipartisan effort works on this your benefits will get smaller and smaller so stop the misleading partisan half facts.

This is misinformation. People believe junk like this and this is why idiots get elected in this country.

What a glue eater post. Nothing fluent about this post.

Honestly, at this point after having paid into the Social Security system since I was 14 years old, I would rather than just get rid of it, stop collecting the taxes each paycheck and give me a refund for everything. Iโ€™ve already paid into the system. Iโ€™m old enough to do something smart with the money And young enough to have time to have it be meaningful.

Itโ€™s still money out of your paycheck lol

Generally speaking the regular people want the American dream, that regardless of their religion, ethnicity, gender, age, or culture that if they work hard and do well that they can live well and take care of their loved ones.

The rich want the majority to accept living in abject poverty while they live in unseen, unintelligible, and inaccessible opulence. Most importantly they want the poors (the bottom 95%) to sympathize with them. Those poor poor billionaires are paying 60% tax and it’s being used to help people, oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!

Privatize the management of social security. Give it to a reputable hedge fund (not sure if โ€œreputableโ€ and โ€œhedge fundโ€ go together but it could not be worse than this as there would be more transparency). Paying into social security is like throwing your money into a deep cave full of murky water and piranhas, and hoping it is all still there 40 years later.

WE allowed it to happen, but not anymore. Citizens Against Citizens United.

This is why Social Security should be fully returned to the people and eliminated so that government can’t steal from it anymore in the future

Americans just so I can see it clearly. You have to pay for medicare through a tax on your paycheck, then you have health insurance on top of that and God forbid if you need medical care you still have to pay for it out of your pocket?ย 

Who are the republicans โ€œsayโ€ this?

Isnโ€™t it a debt if you have to pay it back?

We are being robbed

While this whole post is somewhat misleading, I am sure the guy who managed to bankrupt a casino is gonna fix things.

1. White this is true for SS and Medicare Part A, Medicare Part D does rely significantly on money from the general fund.
2. SS does not have a 2.5 trillion dollar surplus, it has a trust fund with a balance of 2.8 trillion.
3. Money “borrowed” from the trust fund is paid back with interest. This has always been the case.

SS is currently going through a phase where more money is paid out than in. This is not the first time it has happened, but the ratio of retirees to workers keeps dropping. Regardless of what retirement scheme you like (SS, pensions, private investment), they are all harder to sustain both financially and abstractly as the ratio of workers to retirees drops.

Just Republicans ay?

The statement about Medicare is *mostly* incorrect.

Only Part A is in the black.

Parts B, C and D together were about $400 Billion of the general budget this past FY.

Didnโ€™t they pay for that 20 year war with social security ? Itโ€™s funny how they always talk about cutting it but then always dip into it for their own benefits. We need to gut Congress and put in term limits for everyone.

THIS is the truth.

What Republicans are saying social security needs to be cut
Not a opinion piece, but a quote.

The federal government has taken…*checks notes*…exactly ZERO dollars from SS!! By law, SS must put the money in INVESTMENT-GRADE securities. Historically, no investment has been safer than U.S. BONDS. SS BUYS the bonds and is paid back with INTEREST.

Donโ€™t worry! Theyโ€™re gonna use it to build a spaceship to mars for the rich people!

You don’t pay for tax cuts?

This graphic simply isn’t true. In 2023 alone Social Security had a deficit of $41.4 billion dollars. It’s expected that the total deficit will be in the trillions over the next 10 years. The average deficit is around 4.3% a year of taxable payroll and 1.5% of GDP. If the government didn’t borrow to cover the deficit, under the current spending rate, full social security benefits may only last till 2034.

That last box…

Who’s the “we’ve” mentioned?

We need to remove the SS cap. Anybody that makes more than $176K a year isn’t going to miss the 6.2% in tax that continues to come out of their paycheck…

Iโ€™m going to force you to pay me a portion of your monopoly money until youโ€™re 62. During those 44 years of your working life, Iโ€™m going to constantly introduce new monopoly money in to the system so by the time you are eligible for the Monopoly money, it will be worth a fraction of what it was worth.

All of you sheep: Yes, please!

How about I just have an option to opt out. I have poor health and won’t live to 67 to enjoy my “retirement” benefits. Stop forcing people like me to pay for other people’s retirement.

Unified budgeting. Until that is repealed, no solution will matter when it comes to Social Security and Medicare. The Dems and the Repubs passed the law that allowed for the raiding of these funds. If corporations did this, people would go to jail. But the politicians get re-elected because a new post office was built.

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