Madison, Wisconsin Shooter (Aug 2024, age 14). This picture is the last Facebook post from her dad.

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As a KMFDM fan, the Columbine school shooter also attributed some sort of interest in KMFDM and the band made public clear statements against fascism (and violence) with their heartfelt condolences to families of the victims. As people likely fixate on things people wear and say in these situations, it would likely be a good place to start by looking at this kid’s parents and the household they grew up in. Suicide by school shooting is not a normal adolescent reaction.

Her “manifesto” sounds like it was written by a 10yr old edge lord.

So sad one disturbed young lady took so much from so many for no real reason.

“how the world is runned”

Good lord she didn’t even have a grasp on basic English and yet she was able to access a gun and kill some kids. This place is so fucked.

The Manifesto she wrote… 👀 [](

Damn she has a KMFDM shirt on too, giving the band a bad name. Their music has been “blamed” a few times for shootings.

I look at the picture of her as a baby and think, she was like a clean sheet of paper who got more stained and crumpled as she went through life. It is so sad it ends like this with the death an injury of innocent people and her life ended, and it reminds me of the great responsibility parents have for the children they bring into the world.

So, once again, this seems 100% preventable. There is no way her parents shouldn’t have reasonably known she was struggling. Parents need to be charged. She was trained to shoot. Her parents kept at least one gun on the property. It seems well known that she struggled mentally. So what the fuck were her parents doing?

What a dumbass edge lord that had to take innocent people out. Says committing suicide was “too boring”. Parents need to monitor their children especially in America where they can get a gun from under their parents bed. Hopefully this time people won’t blame it on a rock band

They are trying to throw the transgender thing into this too. Wow.

she was batshit crazy: her manifesto


What a hateful, stupid person. Basically her manifesto is: “I hate my life, so I’m gonna end other people’s” with a load of nonsense in between.

Man, we really have to keep kids off reddit and social media.

Her manifesto reads like a deranged reddit post.

She was a neo-Nazi and followed radfem. Unsurprisinly, she was trained to shoot. Her parents knew.

I mean, I don’t want to be that guy, but even in the UK with out hyper restrictive gun laws a 14yr old going clay/trap shooting with a parent would be totally above board and fully legal provided dad had a shotgun certificate or the center they went to do it at was licensed.

As “last pictures of school shooters” go this one is extremely tame, as someone outside the US and looks at your gun laws in silent horror most of the time this picture doesn’t hit those notes. Compared to what you do see on the social media of other school shooters in the US this looks positively normal (unless theirs a slogan on the T-shirt im not getting?)

So we are going to have another parent charged then? Because a 14 year old obviously didn’t buy the firearm.

*“You can’t and you never will know, you never cared too much to know anything about me. I’m glad you
don’t know.”*

Damn kid, you’ve got to much hate at such a young age.

Put the father in jail for failing to secure firearms. Make it an extra long sentence.

Well, she definitely wouldn’t have been a writer if she was sane lmao

1000% this is on the parents. If her “manifestos” is real, those parents failed that kid.

Parents should be arrested as well. Period

Mass shooters are so fucking selfish.

America has had 322 school shootings this year, thats fucked up

Holy shit, I used to shoot at that club. I stopped attending regular events because the people are just too….weird. Guns aren’t the issue people. I mean guns ARE an issue and it should be harder to get guns. But it will never be impossible. The issue is people feeling like their neighbors and fellow Americans are the enemy. It’s the social rift between the left and right

“America will ban schools before it bans guns.”

– Can’t remember who, but still rings out as appropriate.

Without a doubt, her dad is someone who says “I teach my kids gun safety and proper handling of guns!” Arrest him for allowing her access to a weapon.

I see we are becoming inclusionary, now the girls make it to the news too.

Oh, well thank god she was trained in firearm safety

With these things, everyone focuses just on the guns. Making a law about them is the easy way out. Our kids are NOT ok, and haven’t been for a long time now. The violence in schools is increasing at an astronomical rate. The suicide rate is not far behind.

This isn’t going to get better, even if guns are outlawed, until we start focusing on the real issues kids are having. And that issue is they’re not being parented. If their parents are home they aren’t paying attention because they’re on their phones. There’s no connection between family members in their own homes in a lot of places.

But at the same time I can’t blame all the parents. You can’t raise kids on one income now, and with both parents working they do good to get the kids to where they need to be.

Lastly, kids have lost hope. We’ve told them we don’t care about them because they haven’t done anything to help with school shootings. They all know college isn’t gonna be affordable for a lot of them, neither is a house, or having a family of their own. And then you too that off with parents that either aren’t physically or mentally there for them… have nothing to look forward to in the future now and they know it.

And this type of thing is just increasing everywhere, not just school shootings but violence in kids in general. At my nieces elementary school a girl stabbed another girl in the neck with a pen. There’s nothing more dangerous than a person who has nothing to lose, and these kids feel like they have nothing to lose. Partner that with the hormones of youth, and energy of youth and things get bad. And they’re going to get worse.

That so called Christian schooling didn’t seem to help at all

Whenever a parent put a gun in a minor’s hands and that minor ends up using a gun to commit a crime, I would charge that parent along the kid for that same crime like he did it himself.

14-15 years old, she and the folks she killed had their whole lives ahead of them. awful. Guns are a bane on our society.

Stop giving kids guns.

Oh great time for someone to blame industrial music again

Man I sympathize with having a hobby you’re passionate about or encouraging your kids in something they have interest but maybe guns just not it for kids…esp teenagers given how dumb and emotional they are.

Like look, I’m not hating on gun people. I’m really into snow skiing, and cars (back road cruises, autocross days), but if kids that did those activities ended up likely to kill others and themselves or my kid was into a lot of emo and metal music about running people over with cars or skis…. I’d just maybe try something else idfk kayaking or making quilts or doing Ironmans, anything that didn’t put the public at risk. Why is this hard.

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