Nancy Pelosi just got Democrats to pick a 74-year old with esophagus cancer for the Oversight panel over AOC. Get these fossils out of the Democratic party now.

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Our democracy is at stake and they’re playing fucking games like school children.

I wasn’t a AOC fan when she first came on the scene, but now I’m convinced she will be a star for the party over the next 20 years. Once the old people start dying off she will ascend the leadership chain quickly.

His name is Gerry Atric.

From her fucking death bed no less. Nancy, honey boo boo, you cannot take that sweet sweet stock money when you die.

I do gotta wonder, though, what Nancy has on the 181 Dems who voted for the old white guy with cancer. They have to know that their younger colleague is extremely popular and extremely effective at holding opposing members of the House accountable. She might actually be able to drive change and stem the tide of whatever shenanigans the Republicans are planning in support of Trump.

Like, did those 180 people lose their minds because they saw a joyful, well-qualified, also highly effective Black woman lose by a mere 200k votes across three states because our system is stupid and outdated and racist and people were disheartened by a feckless party that pretends they’re for the working class when really it’s bad faith actors like Nancy Pelosi who keep literally working with Republicans to make sure their legislature gets passed and the poor get poorer so people said fuck it, go with the fascist?

What did she blackmail them with? I need to know!

His name is fucking Gerry. You can’t get more on the nose than that. Might as well get some 80 year old named Oldmann.

Y’know, sometimes I see votes and comments on all the posts here, dozens of thousands of people all wanting younger and actually progressive Dem candidates who embraces populism, and wonder if everyone got involved in politics what difference that would make. Probably not that much but still.

The Reps are evil.
The Dems are stupid.

Esophageal cancer? He won’t be around much longer. And he really should be focusing on this health and family. Srsly.

As someone who has taken care of esophageal cancer patients, this dude is about to be out of commission. It’s not just chemo/radiation, an esophagectomy is a major surgery. So many of my patients would get stuck in the hospital for 2-3 months post-surgery, so many of them end up with tracheostomies and permanent feeding tubes. The treatment can be brutal for many patients and the 5 year survival rate is very low. This is a slap in the face to AOC and the American people. No clue if she was the best for the role but can we stop parading corpses around for the top leadership positions.

further proof of how out of touch the dems are and how sincerely they care more about the sanctity of institutionalism rather than what their constituents actually want

Omg, Pelosi really is the gender bent version of McConnell. She better have a good reason for this short sighted political calculus.

We need AOC. We need someone that will stand up and shout. It’s tune for Bullhorn politics. Never shut up. That’s how Trump wins.

As a people, establishment Dems are so embarrassing. I never thought I’d say it, but I’m ready for a different third party. These Russian assets (Jill Stein) can gtfo. I want AOC or someone similar to be the figurehead.

Fuck Ron Johnson and add Nancy Pelosi to that chant too.

Unfortunately, this is how Congress has worked for… decades? Centuries? The oldest senior members always get the top committee posts. At least this guy may die soon so AOC will only have to wait another 10 or 20 years to move to the top spot. Ain’t democracy fun?

This is my breaking point tbh. This is such a massive fuck you to anyone hoping the party would come together and stand for something. It’s over.

Then wonder why people don’t vote for them?

Pelosi needs to GO. She FAILED in her queen-making efforts and needs to gracefully retire. Let AOC lead!! She already is in any case.

Vote in the primaries.

Nancy Pelosi strikes me as a woman who has a cherished and expensive jewelry collection. Some passed from many generations and some with the wealth she amassed thru a public job. She’s told her family what each means and how important they are to the family legacy. She will 100% be buried with all of it.

How many people here called their congressman’s office to push for AOC?

Politics is all about shoulder rubs for your peers. It’s playing the game to put you in a position to get your shoulders rubbed in return.

That makes it really hard and it will require Pelosi getting ousted before any change happens

Connelly has esophageal cancer? My father died from that bitch of a cancer. It was swift and not pretty – gone in 5 months. I’ve known others who have lived longer but it is terribly debilitating. Why is he even running for a leadership position? Why not retire and spend as much time as you have left with your family? I would be spending every moment with the people I love. What is wrong with this people?!! None of us is irreplaceable. Step the fuck aside.

Democratic dinosaurs need to get out of the way, their leadership has resulted in two losses to Trump. Nancy represents a catastrophic failure in leadership. Step down.

to nearly-quote Ricki Tarr (in the Smiley novels) “You people are gonna need a whole new organisation.”

Nancy Pelosi can do the Democratic Party the biggest favor by fucking dying

Nancy Pelosi is an oligarch.

The echo chamber is making yall way too upset over AOC’s loss in achieving ranking member status in the House ethics committee. This isn’t that big of a deal; there’s going to be turnover in another 2 years anyway. She’s clearly destined for leadership of the democratic house caucus.

We’re talking about one of the [smallest]( committees in terms of relative influence on the legislative process.

I’m not spring chicken either. Pelosi should be the first to go. I’m not a fan of people who can’t give up power.

Why is this tweet dated for tomorrow… the 18th?

It’s not December 18 yet tho

The date on that says it’s the 18th but today is the 17th. What am I missing

Pelosi is a as corrupt as the MAGA’s. Need to get her out of there. Our government needs to be given to younger representatives not these greedy dinosaurs on both sides who only care about further enriching themselves, pulling the ladder up behind them, and leaving us with the check. This shit is up vs down. Not right vs left. Can’t let them keep pitting us against each other. I keep voting for the Dems as it’s the right thing to do to me, but they keep giving me nothing back. Shame on me.

Pelosi as with Trump are homegrown terrorists. Trump for you know, trying to overthrow the government (treason), Pelosi for the largest case of documented case of insider trading. Pelosi and Trump should be spending the rest of their pathetic lives in federal prisons, with their wealth distributed evenly across select charities.

Jesus, we are truly fucked.

It’s wild to me that Democrats aren’t doing the exact opposite of whatever the fuck Nancy thinks is best. When will these old fucks leave us?

I have always supported the Democratic party despite their bullshit. This is the tipping point for me. No one over 60 will ever get my vote again.

Why is the tweet clocked at Dec. 18?

I’m old-ish…lol and wanted AOC to have a go at it. The shriveled up old raisins are so out of touch and are just looking to make some stock trades to leave as their legacy. Anyone over 70 should have to beat out their opponents by twice the margin, and people from the next generation should be leading! The geriatric health and hospice ward of the 1950’s thinking is not helping! Diapers and dentures be dammed.

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