My dad still uses his 32 year-old Microsoft Access 1.0 mouse pad

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I’m super impressed with the state of that thing after 32 years. Looks almost brand new.

I actually thought this was maybe from Access for Windows 95, but it turns out that’s the artwork of the very first version of Access.

I assume it was once with a white background lol

I donโ€™t think I ever paid for a mousepad. This was probably your dadโ€™s first one and itโ€™s probably still working good because they donโ€™t really wear from use

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Designs in the 90s were so cool.

I’m surprised there’s not discoloring from a mouse sliding across for 32 years.

made in italy

its the ferrari of mouse pads

This reminds me of my buddy’s Gateway cow-print mousepad, it’s filthy as shit but he’s used it for over 15 years. Respect lol

Something tells me he’s a gentle soul

i see no problem, my main mouse pad is probably 30 some years old too, came with encarta

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

This was a great app in its day!

It’s like driving a classic car.


I still use my 20+ year old best buy mouse pad… But it is in nowhere near that good of a condition, lol. The shit I’ve spilled on it over the years… (luckily, no actual shit as far as I’m aware).

My dad used a magazine from the early 2000s as a mousepad until I got him an actual mousepad a year or so back ๐Ÿ˜‚

I should get one of those for my access hating coworker

I don’t believe this mouse pad has been in use 32 years and is this clean. Bs

Is it supposed to be yellow, or is that the aging process? ๐Ÿ˜

It’s the Logitech mouse that all dads use! Even mine did!


I’m gonna foster a guess that your dad is INFINITELY better with databases than I am

I *so* wanted to be good at Access, but goddamn the queries killed me

Same desk too.

Perfect for helping him surf the information superhighway!

Ok, I have mouse pad envy, and I donโ€™t even use one anymore.

Some clean-ass wrists

[Definitely supposed to be white]comment image)

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