I can see literally no problem with this.

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Next thing they’ll complain about is Ghandi being to happy and willing to nuke everyone in the game…

Well, if an intellectual heavyweight like PEEPEEPOOPOO isnโ€™t interested, why should any of us?

me when I include a historical figure in a history-based game:

Black people in my historic game?!

Well, I would never…! /s

I wonder if this chud would have avoided Madden NFL ’95 as it was the first one in the series to portray black players as black.

They need to do Jordan Peels’ version. Kicking ass and doing flips over shit as she runs the whole length of the railroad

My ONLY issue with Tubman is that she wasn’t the type of leader they typically have in charge of Civs in these games, but that’s an extremely minor and technical nitpick. I’m actually genuinely curious what her faction and its abilities will be.

*A black woman? In your video game? Itโ€™s more likely than you think*

I swear these people are the biggest drama queen snowflakes out there. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Nothing can ruin their day more than seeing a black woman or the word pronoun.

A black woman in a video game triggered this guy, that’s a level of pathetic you simply cannot comprehend.

That name alone tells me that he’s a Rhodes Scholar whose keen intellect is a force to be reckoned with.

Look I’m not buying the game, but that’s because I can’t afford games these days ๐Ÿ˜‚

As a leader though? Or did spies get an upgrade?

on one hand shes not an actual โ€œpolitical leaderโ€ but instead a revolution figurehead

on the other hand its a video game so who gives a fuck shes badass as hell

Named like a child, thinks like a child.

gotta say, her wikipedia picture looks a lot more badass than this one.


This game might not be for you anyway, PEEPEEPOOPOO. Just a guess.

I can’t believe they would add an historical figure to the game about historical figure.

The username checks out

Like what even was funny? โ€œHahaha Iโ€™m a racist!1!1โ€

Oh, I love this. The people getting their jimmies ruffled over this sort of thing, are the exact same people who happily do hateful shit to “own the libs.”

And this is the sound of the tables turning.

Imagine just straight up telling on yourself like that.

What happened to shame?

I think they should do more of this. I am getting tired of Lincoln, Washington, and Teddy.

It’s not “woke” you fucking numbskull, it’s goddamn history. For fucks’s sake, we are hosed.

ANYONE who has a problem with Harriet Tubman should to get their brain lacquered.

As someone whoโ€™s played a lot of Civ since IV this makes me mad. I could have been Harriet Tubman this whole time?!?! Was already excited for VII and omg now more so! Canโ€™t wait for the new game! And all the more fun when it comes with incel tears

I wonder what type of character she’s supposed to be? Great general? I haven’t been following civ 7.

Eggs it really was eggs!

Oh damn… that’s an interesting choice. I’m actually gonna take notice of Civ 7 now; I kinda assumed it would just be Civ 6 again…

Who the fuck has a problem with Harriet tubman

We’ve really gotten to the point that a badass historical figure is too woke

Wait, this is a video game?

How disappointing, here I was thinking that PEEPEEPOOPOO was an intellectual.

Man I havenโ€™t even caught up with CiV 6 yet

For context, civ series used Black lidera for a long time. Although I don’t know who’s harriet tubman, so maybe it’s context that I am missing.

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