This should be common knowledge now

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Idk, I honestly think Larian is the best of them.

How dare thee speaketh ill of my beloved Rockstar.
They would never act out of greed.

Paradox Interactives DLC policy is exactly proof of this

Would that studio just happen to start with a R

Except valve. Prove me wrong.

GGG.. but pretty sure they will eventually become corrupted

But OP! What about my need to pretend that I’m subversive for participating in woke-vs-anti-woke culture war spectacle???

I only disagree with the “bad” part. They aren’t bad or good, they are just a company. Those working or controlling the company are the ones that can be bad or do bad things.

For instance the company that made NoMansSky did bad by releasing an unfinished game and misrepresenting the game in trailers and then staying quiet at the game launch. However they have done good by releasing around 10+ large DLC for absolutely free to all and have devoted the last 8 years to making it better in all ways for free.

Gates should be kept open as much as possible.

*Laughs in DE*

Larian and FromSoftware are just 2 that disprove this

Hello Games?



Its crazy some of you mfs are loyal to companies that don’t give a fuck about you

They want my money and they’ll get it if I want their games… I don’t understand?

eww you’re socialist

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