No but like how are you forced if you’re picking your own role? (min 1 max 3 could be the solulu)

By Vivreno
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People being forced to play roles they don’t want to is already happening. I’m already forced to play support or tank if actually want my team to have one

I feel like a lot of people don’t even know what role queue means. You aren’t forced to play a role you don’t want, you literally pick the role you want and make sure you get it

Im simple man, if I go quickplay, I do whatever I want. If I go to ranked, I do the best for my team

role limiter please 3 dps is fine but 4 is taking the piss please role limiter

If anything not having role que forces you into a role you don’t want to play. Hell I wanted to quit playing till I said fuck it I’m only playing dps composition be damned

I will never understand the mental gymnastics people use to paint role queue as being a bad thing somehow. It’s actually open queue of all things that forces me to play roles I don’t want to play to form a semi competent team composition.

Personally, i feel like the ones complaining about role queue, are usually the 0/5 dps players.

Never seen someone who enjoys tanking or healing bitching about role queue (for obvious reasons)

edit: some people dont get that im pro-rolequeue. rolequeue makes games healthy. its usually the 0/5 dps who moan about killing creativity, but their creativity is my wasted time in a 6dps game

Personally I prefer without because I’ve seen a lot of interesting strategies.

I won recently a 2 tanks, 3 healers 1 dps while protecting the spider car.

I’ve seen 1 tank, 3 dps and 2 healers work

I’ve seen on this subreddit a full healer team win

It would be far less fun with always the same 2/2/2 matches. Best would be a dps limit.

My thing with it is sometimes my friends and i swap mid game on who is tanking or healing. I don’t mind picking a role and jumping but you do lose out in the flexibility

I don’t like being restricted on quickplay. Ranked is a different story, but I like to swap as the game plays out.

I’ll never forgive blizzard for taking away 6 torbs

Comp needs role que. Normal keep open que. Easy fix

I say role queue is not needed cause lets say your vangaurd sucks, you can switch to vangaurd and do a better job then having to be stuck in duelist or strat and suffer.

The DPS insta lockers just dont want to have wait times. They prefer to force others on Tanks and supports to have a proper comp.

Role queue haters when they’re given the freedom to queue for whatever role they want:


I don’t want role queue because I don’t want the game to conform to a rigid 2/2/2 formula.

I’m a support main and I prefer no role queue. This game will die if people are forced to play double tank every game.

There are many viable comps that aren’t 2/2/2.

It means force a comp. 2-2-2 isn’t the only way to make it work

I feel like they should give daily missions to give players an incentive to play other roles :0

I am all for this in ranked but in quick play I don’t think it is necessary. Let people have their fun in the fun mode. Queue times are so quick currently because you can be what you want.

If you put a role max limit then I can see people just leaving games because it will become a race to who gets in first. Yes people should learn a tank and a support just in case but I don’t think quick play is the place to implement something that prevents people from being playing who they want/practicing a character.

In ranked I can see there being a max 3 for all roles and this might help ranked feeling so hopeless at times. Can’t tell you how many times I have seen 4 dps running into Peni, strange, Hawkeye, hela, mantis and Luna to just die 7 times without a kill. However keep that in ranked.

Making a role queue for quick play will split the player base especially if you make that a separate mode. People will just stop playing the game once they realize they have to wait 6 minutes to play Spider-Man, only to have Spider-Man taken. Hell I have seen someone refuse to play until someone let go of cloak and dagger. In ranked. People do one trick so making them wait ontop of not being able be who they want will ruin the game in their eyes

The trade off for Role Queue will mean longer Queue times if you only are willing to play DPS. If I can select all 3 rolls to find a match as soon as possible, then I’d be fine with it being added.

The issue is that forcing a 2-2-2 composition isn’t fun and ruins a lot of possible creativity.

I’m not going to make any blanket statements, but this is how it went for ME

Before role queue in overwatch, I played a little of everybody. I liked to tank, healing could be fun, and sometimes it felt good just going DPS for a while. Team comps weren’t perfect, but I was fine with it.

After role queue (I haven’t played in a while, if this is different please don’t shit on me lol) the queue times for DPS became pretty crazy if you were solo. Way longer than I wanted to wait. So I feel I was forced into just always queuing as tank and healer, like I said I used to play them anyway, but now i feel forced to, because I don’t want to have to wait 5-8 minutes to play a match.

I’m tired of all the arguing for or against role queue, just sharing my personal experience.

Edit: never thought politely sharing my opinion would be so controversial. Very cool

Edit: just reading through this entire comment section, truly why are so many of the people for role queue so hostile. If I don’t want role queue, it’s because I’m stupid, or don’t understand, or I instalock spiderman. Why can’t it truly be that I don’t prefer it? I enjoy the weird team comps, I enjoy being able to swap roles on the fly, I don’t like feeling like I need to play healer or tank if I don’t wanna wait the whole time. Idk, guess I’m a terrible person.

It means role queue is dog shit. Which it objectively is.

1min queue time Tank

5 min queue time Healer

15 min queue time Dmg

every. single. time.

Because I like being able to swap from support to dps if I need to. Dive is incredibly strong and being left to deal with 2-4 divers isn’t an anomaly in this game.

As a support in that match I’ll just get zoned off and get no value. As a dps I can trade easier and potentially carry.

Or, hear me out now, play more than one role.

I think the sentiment here is it’ll force people to operate within a box, so they can’t do much outside of their given role. This means if they ever need to do something that is unique to another role or if they want to step up to fill another player’s shoes when they’re struggling, they simply can’t.

Fairly valid argument. Agreed that min 1, max 3 could be the solution

It means that the game makers and not the team or individual players get to decide what constitutes a proper team comp or define the ratios of how many dps support healers tanks etc. Let the players decide. Even if they decide stupid.

My friends and I often swap roles mid match when we play together so i wouldnt be fond of role queue, but i would totally be ok with a role lock of 3 heroes per role and maybe a required 1 of each

Just played a game with 6 duelists and we obliterated the other team.

oh yeeah i feel so forced to queue for tank and dps by being able to only ever queue for support. real big brained take right there. min 1 max 3 is the best compromise between role queue and open queue, up until goats with 1 dps becomes meta

Min 1 Max 3 sounds like a way better option than role queue.

I just don’t understand why dps is so much more popular that this is such an issue in these types of games. I typically prefer tank or support since I’m most comfortable there and I like having the extra health or sustain but it feels impossible to try mixing it up with a dps match without the whole team going all dps with me and throwing the match.

It’s not like they don’t rely as much on teammates in this game either since most dps don’t have sustain without their healers or the ability to go for big plays without a good tank diverting attention so playing for more player agency doesn’t really apply here. It’s just a higher risk playstyle with a bit more ability to secure picks but most vanguards and strategists have plenty of kill potential and greater ability to stay in fights longer so they seem more fun to fight with in most cases.

Does everyone OTPing dps characters just see the roles tank and support and think they can’t do anything but be a damage sponge or heal bot, never trying them out to see how fun they are? Not even giving 2/3 of the game’s playstyles a chance doesn’t make any sense to me.

I like triple dps

I haven’t had a role problem yet honestly. I generally have 2 healers, and I’m often tank. Sometimes I even play dps bc someone chooses a tank, and we already have to healers.

If you want a balanced team, be the change you want to see. Learn to play other roles, the tanks in this game are fun af. And playing as support can be pretty exciting in how overwhelming it is trying to keep up with your team and save them. Honestly makes me feel like the real hero of every match.

reading “sololu” just ruined my day

for a community that has been talking mad shit about Overwatch, people sure don’t know what the fuck role queue even means which just confirms everything we already knew. Honestly the best thing that ever happened to OW and would be good for this game too. If you don’t wanna play tank/support, don’t queue as tank/support. It’s that simple.

“I might be lightly encouraged to stop insta-locking DPS every game and i want to make it everyone else’s problem”

Everyone seems to be advocating for role queue?


People should stop comparing Rivals to Over Watch. You can win without a vanguard(vanguards are not tanks they are disruption). You can win without a strategist (strategists are not heal bots their kit has a lot more than just healing. BUT… if you’re upset about there not being a strategist or vanguard then play it yourself. I can guarantee once people figure out this game party comp brewing will become an art form. Play what you like and don’t let people tell you “but that’s not meta” the meta for a game that launched 2 weeks ago is gonna be a changing every day. In a few months you’ll see people saying you need 3 vanguard’s and 3 strategists in order to be an optimal team. It’s always going to be something. But for god sakes it’s a game enjoy the game, if you can’t enjoy the game without winning then find people like you who want to win team up with them and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time but please stop talking about party comp because that’s not the reason you’re losing that’s not the reason your not having fun.

Y’all do not try to turn this shit into overwatch please, forced 2-2-2 would be the fucking worst and boring as hell every game.

The problem with role queue is it enforces a meta. If you force role queue for 2-2-2, then you would never see unique combinations like 3 Tank 3 Support or 1 Tank 3 DPS 2 support.

I for one want the meta to remain fresh and not turn into the abomination that OW did. Even if that means I get teams where 5 people insta lock DPS. Its the price we pay. Release more tank/support heroes to balance the roster is the best compromise.

Role Queue would take away so many fun team comps

Why so few people are against role queue ?
I definitely am.

I m a healer main. But sometimes the situations requires my Peni Parker to drop some webs and mines to retake a base for example, which I will do especially if there’s another support.
So I need to be able to switch to tank if needed.

I love the flexibility of this game. It forces people to think strategically rather than just thinking of having kills. 🙄

I’m so tired of this topic. Devs already said they’re not interested in doing it. Go play OW if you want role queue

Its so nice knowing its just a game no matter if i win or lose that way i dont care if my team is running 6dps because if i lose that game there’s always next game

Hard pass Overwatch already did this bullshit

As someone who’s flexes their role in overwatch and Marvel Rivals, I think role queue sucks. It literally forces a specific comp. Different strategies require different team comps. Stop pretending it doesn’t limit anything. Role queue stifles creativity. This narrative about role queue is false. Some people actually like the freedom to change team comps mid game. Just be patient. People are new. Ranks will eventually sort everyone out. The game will add a lot more characters. No role queue means the possibilities are endless.

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