kind of crazy how YouTube videos can teach you better than school did

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Ya, I wouldn’t recommend dropping out of school to learn from YouTube.

But in all seriousness, school provides more than book learning and memorization.

Learning how to work with deadlines, learning how to interact with people you don’t like, learning that life is unfair, learning how to interact with people of different backgrounds and views.

All that shit is extremely important for functioning in the adult world, and it’s usually pretty easy once you hit your 30s and 40s to tell who graduated and who watches Andrew Tate videos

Really saved money getting my heart surgery from the high school dropout with over 3 hours of YouTube surgical training. Only cost $45, but now I pass out whenever I fart.

Honestly, still not enough, youtube is great for surface knowledge but have to put in the work for deeper knowledge.

Yeah thatโ€™s how I learned global warming, polio and nuclear missiles donโ€™t exist.

Kind of crazy how youtube dipshits have convinced people the earth is flat and vaccines don’t work.

YouTube is the blind leading through blind. Have fun being willfully ignorant.

โ€œI did my own researcherโ€ฆโ€

I think i get your point although it’s slightly optimistic, you have to have a base knowladge alot of times for the internet to be viable, that’s why conspiracies pop up so frequently on the internet compared to academic research with qualified professors

Most people learn nothing from the internet. They just think they do after watching some interesting facts to be forgotten immediatly

no offense but watching 60 seconds of short form content, stylized in a “did you know” trivia form, with the creator having absolutely zero knowledge (or at best, a very basic, simplified, and populist driven knowledge i.e. a hearsay) of what they are talking about or just use ai voices to farm views via reposts is not learning

i get that you’re just trying to praise individuals who are able to self-taught themselves, but that’s a VERY, very rare circumstances, and even then, they never disregard academia entirely, and the reason they dropped-out are often driven by nonacademic reasons.

just saying, it’s really easy to spot when someone genuinely wanting to learn a subject they are interested in vs those that think learning uncommon scientific syllables like “azeotrope” now suddenly make you college level


Tiktok is teaching me I would enjoy being an electrician.

Can’t give you that paper tho

Your lack of basic grammar is not exactly a glowing endorsement of this statement.

Try learning engineering better from the internet.

I think the difference is, you didnโ€™t want to learn what was taught at school.

I learned more in 3 years of college in my field than I did with 10 years of โ€œself learning.โ€

There is a such thing as bad teachers/profs/schools. But good ones are irreplaceable.

I learned that nuclear power is the key to saving the planet

The majority of everything I know I taught myself through books and the internet. School did nothing but waste my time and energy as well as skewing my outlook on the world until I grew up and learned what life is actually like.

Shout out to crash course for being one of the very few reliable educational YouTube channels

I try to learn something every day.

We have instant access to the sum of all human knowledge in our pocket. I can talk to my buddy in Germany by video instantantly. My god, is it a good time to be alive. If you are not excited to be alive wherever you are being whoever you are right now, you are pathetic. There has literally never been more opportunity for every person alive than there is right now. Take advantage of it or quit. Because if you can’t make it now, you simply can’t make it.

Biggest benefit of school / uni / whatever is learning how to learn and managing to complete a workload on time. It’s less about what you’re actually learning.

The great wealth of knowledge from Reddit ๐Ÿซ 

You may be a Dunning Krueger exampleย 

Drop from school
Keep IQ low
Watch youtube to level UP IQ

Homeschooled but I still learn more from the Spider subreddit, youtube, and farming simulator.

Dad busted his hump in the content farm teaching young corposlaves how to tie neckties and fix their own laptops so that I could have a better life as freelance consultant


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