Looked on job postings multiple time at work. Even told my boss that if another I get an offer from a specific place that I will leave. The fun part is: they can’t fire me for that and they also can’t fire me because they are already short staffed.
Not to mention I am working in a medical field where there are even fewer skilled laborers.
2 months ago
Boss: you’re fired Me: “Cool I was just updating my work experience”
Me: printing out my new resume at the office
Looked on job postings multiple time at work. Even told my boss that if another I get an offer from a specific place that I will leave. The fun part is: they can’t fire me for that and they also can’t fire me because they are already short staffed.
Not to mention I am working in a medical field where there are even fewer skilled laborers.
Boss: you’re fired Me: “Cool I was just updating my work experience”