My wife set the AC at home to 30 degrees celsius

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Is your wife, by any chance, a reptile?

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Whether that’s a good thing or not depends on if 30C is an improvement. When it’s 40C outside, 30C AC starts sounding like a good idea. When it’s 25C outside, 30C AC is madness.

Far too many people don’t know how thermostats work. They think if they crank it to 30 they’ll be hotter faster than if they set it to 25, when the starting temperature is 20-ish and it will feel too hot when it reaches 25.

“You know when they say “room temperature”? Well, this *is* that room!”

If that were my spouse, IMMEDIATE divorce. I ain’t living in your goddamn terrarium.

>!/s because I know some of y’all will think this is legit!<

Okay but hear me out.

Our thermostat is quite old. Our house is small, but for sure larger than an appartment. If you put the thermostat on 21°C when it’s 17°C, the radiators don’t even get hotter than lukewarm, and the heating stops before the target temperature was reached, assuming the warm radiators will do the rest. But they don’t, and with the low heating setting, it heats so, so slowly.

So we put it on 25-27°C and then turn it off when it’s around 20°C.

I’m sorry for your divorce

For those living in Third World countries: 86°F

She probably assumes that setting the thermostat to 30 °C will cause the house to be heated faster.

oh fuck no. tell her to wear more clothes

30C degrees inside is a disgusting temperature

definitely mildly infuriating

Roomie uses a space heater set to 81F. I make him turn off the oscillating sometimes.

That’s 86 degrees in freedom units

By AC you mean thermostat? 30 degrees is crazy 🥵

Your wife cranked the AC up to a toasty 30 degrees!

My wife is cold? It’s cranked to 25. She’s hot, dropped to 15. She says she can’t/won’t stop because she doesn’t have a problem with it, I do. I’m considering getting one of those fuckin lockboxes they have at schools and such. Can’t passcode it, it’s just a dial for baseboard heaters.

If the humidity is real low, I have no problem with this.

These people getting crazy over 30 degrees, where I live that would be like heaven 😭

Let your wife pays for electricity for a few months, i guarantee she will reconsider this habit. 😀



Jokes on you over here in South africa the whole country is set to 42°C during summer

Just do what I did, put up a fake thermostat for your wife to use and install an actual working one somewhere hidden away. Our actual thermostat is in the garage and my wife has no idea.

Hide the remote and lock out the control panel. 🤣

So beyond just trying to do Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions on the fly, the use of A/C interchangeably for cooling and heating if really throwing me off. Because I assumed you were somewhere where it’s summer time, as A/C generally denotes air conditioning which refers to cooling, and heating is just heating, even tho it’s also air conditioning.

Also before 7 am and not wanting to get out of bed even tho I’m already like half an hour later than I should be. Brains not ready man.

But anyway screw/thank your wife.

LOL no she didn’t, OP.

You did. You set that to 30 and snapped an image. That is all we can see, no wife, just the hand and a remote device.

You now, you could have just reset it instead of trying to harvest karma?

OP…so sad…

I assume AC in this situation is what us Muricans would call the heater? In that case 30°C is wild, in the winter mine is usually set to ~20°C.

Open the window i have cold

That’s warm even for my grandmas standards.




Yikes, what is she about 80 yo

All my years in asia taught me that the number is just a number. Actual temperature is set by mashing the up arrow many times. Then when it’s too warm the device shall be turned off.

My Father in Law is always doing the same. Thats horrible. For lungs and skin.

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