We have 2 “justice” systems in this country, and I’m sick of it.

By CrJ418
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There’s one set of rules for protecting the rich.

There’s another set of rules for everyone else.

We’re on our own.

It’s only terrorism if rich people are scared.

I’ve been sick of it since the savings and loan debacle.

What are we even doing, straight faced allowing the poor to pay while the rich walk?

That’s on us.

Put me on the jury and Luigi will get at least one “not guilty”

Clan rallies, Charlottesville protests, Jan 6 insurrectionists and more weren’t charged under terrorism.

We need to start a campaign about how the ceos death was a hoax and just perpetrated by the media to make us fear

They also bought him a burger so he could eat in the back of the police car…..

Luigi went out of his way to only shoot the CEO. He decided against a bomb because he did not want to harm innocent people.

Images from the OP:
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FBI had a hard time incriminating one of their own i presume.

Well.. have we tried being filthy rich ?

Trump still has the high score on rich people justice. He did Jan6 (among other things) and they let him walk free for 4 years then be president again.

It can only be terrorism if the thing you’re trying to do terrifies those with power.

That’s because there’s only really ever been one war. And it’s not the culture one. Humans have dominion over this planet, outside of Mother Nature. We could’ve done anything we wanted with society. There’s no such thing as economics and monetization outside of what humans have invented. People chose to create systems of control, pure and simple. These are panic reactions from the ruling class. And now everyone can see the system is set up not for a civil society, but to keep the 99% in line.

Thousands of people stormed the Capitol chanting “HANG MIKE PENCE” while attempting to overthrow an election and install a dictator, and not one of them was charged with terrorism.

Good luck getting a jury to convict on that charge. No way they get 12 people to agree to that.

Luigi is not getting “charged with terrorism”.

He is getting charged with murder one. By NY state.

NY state law says killing someone gets you murder two. But there are a few circumstances that will elevate the charge to murder one. Like if you murder a policeman. Or if you murder someone with the intent to cause other people to change their behavior.

That last bit is what NY state law calls “furtherance of terrorism”. That’s why Luigi is facing murder one.

Dylann Roof’s case has nothing to do with this. Nor does the NC state law or federal law.

The millionaire and billionare class run circles around the justice system, so it’s NOT at all surprising they would throw everything at anyone who dare question their superiority or threaten them in any way. The judges and politicians work for the rich first, our laws are written and interpeted to favor the rich. America has always been a caste system some Americans like to criticize other nations for

Maybe the prosecutor is secretly on board with a class war and figured the only way the jury would hear Luigi’s rationale was to charge him with terrorism.

I know it isn’t true, but what if….

Incorrect. There’s 3 Tiers.

1. The Oligarchy, usually faces no consequences for horrific and horrendous behavior.

2. White Conservatives.

3. Everyone else the top 2 tiers dont like. <–You are here.

Ill keep saying it till i die. Its the upper class vs everyone else, always has been always will be. But keep focusing on race and religion and culture.

Roof was given a sentence of death in both state and Federal courts; double death penalty.

He was convicted Federally of hate crimes.

Luigi so far is not looking at death

“12 counts under a second hate-crime statute that prohibits using force or threatening the use of force to obstruct a person’s free exercise of religious beliefs)”

God this is so damn accurate.

send this to the defence to use

This will be down voted but needs to be stated.

Luigi is facing murder 1 in NY which most people for just shooting someone in a premeditated manner would get murder 2 as that’s how NY law is worded.

His actions were to influence other people’s opinions according to the state warranting an upgrade to murder 1. The main difference is life with parole for murder 2 and life without for murder 1.

Dylan in South Carolina did not need an upgrade in the charges he faced to get life w/o parole so no special circumstances has to be delineated. Also south Carolina’s terrorism laws only covers weapons of mass destruction (and I think that is even defined as bombs, chemical and bio weapons).

Neither has faced federal charges and neither is likely to.

Genuinely just making an example out of him and ignoring the fact that Americans are suffering SO MUCH from our healthcare system that we sympathize with a killer

Fucking HELP us and admit you drove a man to the brink of insanity by allowing this abuse to continue and kill hundreds of thousands of people

This system is just making the working class miserable!

We have 51+ criminal legal ~~justice~~ systems. Roof was charged with a hate crime under federal law, because trying to start a race war doesn’t meet the requirements of federal terrorism charges.

> (5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

> (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

> (B) appear to be intended—

> (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

> (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

> (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

South Carolina’s terrorism statute has the same wording. I think the prosecutors decided to go with the easier to prove charge instead of up-charging and risking an acquittal.

The New York prosecutors also just over-charged here. Unless they can convince 12 jurors that health insurance companies are a specific “civilian population”.

I feel like the prosecution is hamstringing themselves with this. There’s no way they’re going to be able to prove the terrorism enhancement on this.

Also: Luigi wasn’t even the shooter. I guarantee it.


Well, now that it is white assailant and white victim we can up that to THREE justice systems. Even as it stands, this third, newer system will not be as unjust as the one Dylan Roof’s victims families are having to navigate.

100% he is getting the book thrown at him because he targeted a rich person

Maybe it’s based on projected success and if that is so they should be proven correct

lol but yet u idiots are mad at migrants

It’s a big club… And you’re not in it. -George C.

Luigi showed you how to fix these problems.

different states, different laws. holy fuck.

Wasn’t he charged with hate crimes? Aren’t these also different states?

Everyone should go read Jonathan Edwards’ stump speech from the 2004 election on how we have “two Americas.” He laid this all out then in detail.

No one is convicting this guy for terrorism.

They’ll be lucky if they can find 12 people who agree he committed murder

The prosecution just fucked themselves over with that charge.

Very true. I recall back in the 90s when a group called ELF had spray painted a bunch of new SUVs in a new car parking lot to protest their gas guzzling ways. FBI and MSM _immediately_ labeled them “ECO Terrorists”. YUP that ‘terrorist’ label is for the left only!!! Nice to know we have FBI and MSM at our backs ‘helping’ us.

NY charged the buffalo shooter with terrorism and now Luigi. South Carolina was Dylan roof

If Rittenhouse can get away with it, so can Luigi.

Those are different states with different laws. Please Stop just throwing all nuance out to force your point. It makes you Look dumb.

Roof was sentenced to the death penalty. What do you think a terrorism charge is going to do, death plus cancer?


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