Study Buddy – Gator Days (OC)

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Not the most unhinged rant Liam has heard considering his sister is Ember.

All he has to do is believe in me who believes in you.

Squirrel needs to quit school and make internet videos.

What’s the name of the little squirrel friend? I’ve only had them for a couple of minutes but I would protect them with my life 🥹

Sometimes you just have to let things out and then there’s room for your brain to chew on the problem.

Also sounds like this poor squirrel kid is getting a *lot* of pressure from his family. They need to chill out. If he really needs help, a teacher or tutor can provide. But what it sounds like he needs, is just some room to breathe.

Let’s send Ember to fight his family like she was going to do for Grace XD

edit: Chinchilla! D: I didn’t knoooow

Gotta fail to succeed, little squirrel!

They are just like me!

The dramatic spotlight has sent me

^-looks ^in ^the ^mirror- maybe I _am_ a squirrel

Is he a squirrel or chinchilla? The ears give me chinchilla vibes

As one of my old math professors in college always advised, when you start to feeling like this, it’s time to take a break. The math will always be there, and the answer will come once you’re relaxed.

I’m presuming they’re working on a math problem. It’s always math that does this to people.

I always love people with a….*”flair for the dramatic”*.

Disowning averted! Time to relax and read a book.

If you ever released a full comic book I would totally buy it. These give me so much comfort like when I used to read Calvin and Hobbes, Foxtrot, or Get Fuzzy.

The older calybara is so level headed and thinks before doing something where her younger sister is always unhinged taking control and I love when i see them in comics because they both make me laugh so much


I could post this every day on a help Discord which I frequent.


reason: I’m in this image and I don’t like it.

This is my son to a tee

One more reason why they called me squirrel!

Yeah this was me a lot in school. I’m glad I never have to go again.

Biggest challenge of learning. Brain says “this will never make sense”, even though it’s slowly building up to the point where it does gain that moment of comprehension. The “lightbulb” moment.

Same with learning a physical skill (playing an instrument, etc). It’s why the act of stepping away and coming back later can often do wonders.

Now imagine if there was a homework ring within the friend group where everyone did the subject they were good at

This reminds me of my grandfather. He tried for three hours trying to help me with my math homework. Nothing worked. He taught me a trig problem. And somehow I could do my math homework…..

Oi ;-;

Don’t call me out like this


Why did you start making comics about my kids?

I always believed in you!

Little dude needs to learn that it’s okay to ask for help if you don’t understand something.

Maybe someday I’ll learn that lesson for myself.

Congratulations Douglas the Chinchilla on your incredibly relatable debut appearance!

Liam has promise as a future math tutor.

Me, every time I cycled home after an exam…

This is my daughter. Just straight up. Same exact energy.

Just gotta that 5 times a day every day for 22 years.

You’ve got me wondering if these kids are going to age or if we’ve got a Simpsons situation. They all seem a bit more mature when I first saw them

Idk if anyone else has said it but I read Liam’s dialogue with Ferb’s voice from Phineas and Ferb in my head

Thats such a mood. The doom feeling and then ohhhh wait I know this

boyfriend and I are trying to learn programming together. I get so so overwhelmed by how much stuff I have to keep track of so at least once a week I’m just like squirrel.

I’m definetely showing him this comic, thanks

Programming in a nutshell

A bit young to be this skilled at catastrophizing. I wonder how he’d do if he had to peel 100 pears.

Unfortunately I didn’t figure it out and it looks like I’m getting kicked out

Ahhh, it’s me everyday at work!


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