I don’t get it

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Pretty sure it’s a reference to new age crystal girls. he nutted in her so they’re official now in her eyes. so she’s giving him crystals to fix his chakras and auras and shit cause she dont want no spiritually unaligned boyfriend.

That’s my take.

Peter’s weird middle school Wiccan phase here,

Basically this girl is part of a popular group of people who believe in Wicca, like witches and shit, and they believe that different types of crystals have various energetic properties (I’m dumbing it down a lot, keep in mind) that can do all sorts of things like align the energies of a person or place, or cleanse the energies of a person or place, etc

So the guy in the pic fucked the witchy girl so good she gave him some magic crystals, possibly either as like protection cuz she likes him or maybe as like a love thing to ensure they stay together forever

no joke here, sometimes you get free rocks for doing a good job

its called pebbling. giving small gifts as a love language

My guess is some reference to how female penguins will give rocks as gifts to their male partners?

Peter’s herbalist here – this is amethyst and rose quartz, which promote good health and romance.

The young lady would like to propose a relationship and/or is trying to give you a boost in those aspects of your life, hence “she’s a keeper” because she’s trying to give the OOP good things.

Or she could also be a keeper because she’s put a spell on OOP to lock him in. You never know, he could be trapped in the basement, right now. Anyways, blessed be!

I was having more fun with the notion that she decided to use her vaginal muscles to compress his nut into little diamonds of protein.

They’re minerals.

Rose quartz (pink) for love and amethyst (on the left) for energy neutralisation, protection and alignment. K bye

My experience has been that all ‘spiritual’ girls, e.g. those that give rocks, believe in astrology, say they are Wiccan, or do Reiko are all wonderful partners who generally have at least one piece of heavy baggage. Great relationships, terrible endings.

Also they are tied with clown girls for best in bed.

It’s the autism rizz. She’s decided he’s cool enough to share her rock collection.

Brings a new meaning to “get your rocks off”.

Isn’t this a reference to the penguin female giving her mate rocks indicating mate for life?

She helped him get his rocks off.

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Definitely a new age witchy thing. 
Rose quartz is for Love
Amethyst is for Protection

Source: a witch

In the pic she’s giving him amethyst and rose quartz (shitty ones but we won’t talk about that), and according to crystal girls those bring love and good health. She basically wants him since the dick was that good.

Person hiding in Peters closet here,

might be a refrence to a meme of an goblin girl offering shiny rocks, if you ‘c*m in her’

The meme:

maybe he cummed kidney stones, but i highly doubt it

either that or she’s an horoscope girl

I have to assume anyone posting on this sub is from non-english speaking countries, because most things posted on here are pretty obvious, even for older non-internet people.

Rather than dismissing the offering of crystals as “woowoo bs” it’s more likely that this girl feels that the relationship has reached a point where she can comfortably share something she enjoys with original-op.

She’s giving him rocks, but they’re representative as a part of her identity, and that’s special.

I hope he got his act together and that they’re still together and happy.

I think her womb just transforms cum into stone like an oyster and she’s giving it back to you

She’s paying her dowry on behalf of the tree spirits

Stuff sure has changed from when I was young, I nuted in my highschool gf and I had to give her a rock, they were smaller back then, worn on the hand

You better love that little penguin girl with all your heart. She wants you to stay safe lol

Mercury is in retrograde so I didn’t quite understand the joke

Obviously she is a dragon in human form. Your sex with her was so great that she is sharing part of her hoard with you, or declaring you are now a part of her hoard. She will protect you no matter what and you might get dragon pussy if you keep going out with her.

Well, this is either a form of holistics, or penguin pebbling/gifting. Either are forms of showing affection

They’re not rocks they’re minerals Marie

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