Very “normal” behavior here, NOT

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Unhinged sociopaths.

Wouldn’t this warrant a serious investigation from the FBI, considering it can be interpreted as an open threat of violence against a current and former POTUS and VPOTUS?

If those were figures of insurance CEOS, would this be considered a threat of “terrorism”?

These are the same people who are clutching their pearls over folks not giving a shit about the dead CEO.

Why isn’t the FBI investigating them for terroristic threats?

Oh, that’s gross.

And, they say Trump haters have something called “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” or “TDS”

Yet, they do shit like this and laugh about it, thinking there’s nothing mentally wrong.

A woman was just arrested for making threats against health insurance CEOs. I think this constitutes a threat against heads of state

Just sickening people. The hypocrisy of them saying the left is radical and dangerous is impossible to unsee.

If the Secret Service and FBI do not respond to this the way they did Kathy Griffin, then Republicans are right, we do live in a one-way justice system.

Remember all that effort that went into finding the murderer of one ceo? Maybe send that at this.

If a Democrat did this the Republicans would be screaming bloody murder about being persecuted and how this encourages violence towards them. They’d even try to bring charges. Fucking snowflakes need to melt already. Ever one of them.

That’s some straight up psycho shit right there.

Luigi’s coming for you next, asshole.

And this isn’t terrorism?

What did Jordan Peel even do to him?

Christmas Family pictures with guns also work…
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Seriously, what the fuck America?

This shit is just weird.

Stupidly weird.

There’s no hate like Christian love.

Of course, this is one of the asshole politicians from WV. *This* is why we can’t have anything nice.

Look, we have had a tough time here, could they just not? I mean, maybe put some of the effort into fixing the opioid crisis, instead of making a hateful display on a Christmas tree?

Republican christian values are sick

So this isn’t a terrorist threat, but a woman being denied medical coverage saying “deny defend depose” *is* terrorism?

This nutcase was elected to the West Virginia House.
…and then had to resign after he participated and filmed himself in the Jan6 coup attempt.

What an absolute unhinged psychopath.

Republicans/devout Christians proudly celebrating a pagan holiday always makes me chuckle.

They really *do*…seem just a *liiitttttle* obsessed with the idea of hurting people, don’t they?

Yet if you do the same to them and Trump then you are unhinged psychopathic communists with TDS

Remember when a beheaded Trump was seen as vile and beyond the pale? Maybe Kathy Griffin didn’t add enough Christmas cheer

If Secret Service allows this, what’s the purpose of Secret Service?

Remember to Keep Christ in Christmas! 🤪

Honestly it’s these so called Christians that make me hope there really is a Christian god and judgement, just so they can all receive their just desserts.

same mfs saying that people are wrong for saying Luigi did a good thing


Remember when they all lost their shit because the at comedian posted a photo with her holding trumps head? Yeah conservatives have been doing that kind of shit since forever

Holy shit

Next year it will be Russian flags and Putin idols. Btw now that they gave America to the lunatics again has there been anymore talks about a national purge? I think we could really make that work if they promoted it correctly.

Domestic terrorist decorating the tree. Needs a Luigi visit, not Santa.

How very “Christ-like” 😒

Oh thank god, the trump one is flipping off the dead ones.

I thought it was a nazi salute.

I want to know how they’ll react in 4 years once they figure out they’ve screwed everyone including themselves and their families.

When can big pharma develop that ignorance pill? Going through life being this stupid and acting so confident must be nice.

Tell me more about how the left is radical.

Same people who’ll tell you cheering for Luigi is immoral.



After Luigi indictment, doesn’t this qualify as terrorism?

Oh how Christian of them 🙄

But it’s terrorism if you say deny, delay, depose on the phone from another state to an insurance company representative! Yay, OK!

Where’s Mike pence?

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