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“They got there by hard work and dedication! I’m gonna be one too someday”

Mofos do it because they think they will soon be among them.
They are so far off they don’t even realize it anymore.

Actually billionaires care a lot about poor people defending them. How do you think they get keep their wealth?

“But someday i might be rich, then people like me better watch their step”

What killed me when Elon bought Twitter was all the people falling over themselves volunteering to help him with Twitter for free. Some startup CEO even joined as an intern with “cost of living in SF pay”’ to fix search.

This is really sad. Like, that child simply wants a single high five and they can not even give him one. Talk about never meeting heroes!

It’s considered poor taste to ask for high fives after a team losses. I do understand that the kid might only have 1 opportunity to meet his heroes and ultimately these guys are getting paid millions to play ball.

Lets just emphasize that “poor people” is 99% of people

Seems about the same as those who manically defend politicians

Almost everyone i know

Why do you think people should only stand up for others if they get something in return?


You mean most people?

How edgelords look when they’re showing off their jealousy because someone else is successful

I think my main thing is why hate what you wanna be (I don’t defend them) having money shouldn’t = bad person

Forgot the red cap

He needs a red hat.

Disagree with this, the reality is nobody rich or poor really cares about someone they don’t know, but a well adjusted individual should be able to find the humanity in another person regardless of their bank account.

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