Inmates are the only population in the United States with a constitutional right to health care

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They are also unfortunately the only population exempted from 13th Amendment slavery protections. ๐Ÿ‘Ž

*The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, says: โ€œNeither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.โ€*

And politicians. Can’t forget them, they have health care for life.

Iโ€™m an RN. I love helping people and I tried to go into the prison to help an underserved population. I tried to make a difference, but youโ€™re swimming against the current. Iโ€™d argue 50% of the staff is trying their best, 25% are malicious assholes, and 25% couldnโ€™t give a shit less.

It is brutal. I lasted six months. I was so hopeful going into it, but I was just a cog in the machine. I couldnโ€™t help anyone, other than caring, and that doesnโ€™t change shit. The system will spend the least amount of money possible for any ailment, so long as it wonโ€™t kill someone. Even if it mightโ€ฆgood luck, hope the doc thatโ€™s on that day can recognize it and gives a shit.

If you call what inmates get health care. There are numerous articles, books, and documentaries about the horrible quality of care that inmates receive.

They are basically just kept alive.

Prison health care is horrible

[Prison Health Care Crisis Mounts as Incarcerated Population Ages](

[Report Finds Gruesome Medical Malpractice and Death in Arizona Prisons](

[State watchdog finds medical neglect, other violations at private prison that houses Tarrant inmates](

No they aren’t. Politicians and the rich are the only groups with that right.

Prisoners regularly get left to die from treatable conditions. Haven’t you read any of the countless articles about prisoners dying because they left them alone in their cell after receiving serious injuries?

Somehow this has turned into people thinking prisoners get better healthcare than the rest of us. THEY DON’T. Prison healthcare is shit. Yes, medical staff does have to see them but they don’t actually help them. Luigi is not going to get good healthcare in prison. No one does.

Deny. Delay. Depose.

3 Anthems of The Peopleโ€™s Movement for Our Right to Affordable Healthcare:

โ€œCorporate Americaโ€ by Gavin Prophet and Lonely Avenue –

โ€œDeny, Defend, Deposeโ€ by Dusty Smith –

โ€œUnited Healthโ€ by Jesse Welles –

Anyone have others?

Thatโ€™s because theyโ€™re state property.

Instead of actually fixing healthcare, Republicans will fix this by charging each inmate an exorbitant fee for health care. Can’t pay? Be prepared to work. Can’t pay your bill before your release date? Looks like you aren’t being released.

That might be true, but itโ€™s incredibly difficult to actually get proper care while incarcerated. Not to mention the detrimental health effects just being incarcerated has a persons physical and mental health (poor nutrition, exposure to violence, disease transmission, etc)

I know someone who worked at a maximum security prison for several years as a prison guard. he said healthcare doesn’t happen unless you’re dying, he also said people have died from not getting the care they need.

This is not true at all, like anyone in the army also has a right to healthcare

Veterans also get TriCare. It’s not the best insurance, but they are entitled to it for life.

Regardless, they don’t get it.

The “*Healthcare*” in jails is often abysmal. Even if you have well-trained providers/clinicians, many jails/prisons have health programs that are horrifically understaffed, resulting in significant delays in the delivery of service.

Remember that guy that robbed a bank for a dollar so he could get care in jail?

Also the only population cops are legally obligated to protect

That may be technically true, but I don’t think anyone should have to be relying on the level of ‘care’ you’ll find in prison.

By the strict letter of the law, they have a constitutional right to be fed too, but that doesn’t stop nutraloaf from being a thing.

Unless of course youโ€™re trans and then youโ€™re literally tortured . Just read of one trans woman having complications after going to jail post surgery .ย 

Even then, it is minimal. Prison privatisation means that prison companies are worse even than health insurers and will try ANYTHING to deny prisoners healthcare.

I just watched the movie “Glass” and “Split” the other day. This is like the IRL version of a superhero or supervillian. I’ve read comics and seen movies where the antagonist has less security detail. I wonder if he’ll yell out “I hold this entire court in contempt” and walk out a free man.

Our politicians have private healthcare too. Oh and theyโ€™re giving themselves another fat raise in the spending bill theyโ€™re trying to pass.

Iโ€™m 50 years old. I was listening to Public Enemy on my way home. Fight the Power to be precise. How did this young man single handed do what was supposed to be Gen Xs calling?

Yeah okay but in reality the US is by far the worlds leading carceral state, with an incarceration rate thatโ€™s 3x higher than Iran, 5x China and 10x any other first world country. And in reality these people have access to very basic healthcare at best. The USs carceral system is not only massive but complicatedโ€ฆ. County, state, federal, with of course the private profit making facilities whose business model is basically to suck up as much public funds as possible and spend as little as possible on things like food or healthcare for the inmates

And they donโ€™t even get it sometimes, unfortunately

This could be a great movie. Guy is denied life saving treatment by the insurance company. With only months to live, he takes out the CEO. Arrested and in prison, they have to give him the life saving treatment. He’s cured, and the jury finds him not guilty because the CEO may have died of a prior condition seconds before getting shot 12 times.

and cops, whose โ€œunionโ€ is not a part of the labor movement and whose members are not the working class ๐Ÿคช

He doesn’t need backcare if they don’t send him out to go “legal” slavery and just leave him in his isolated cell.

They’re gonna try put him to death.

and they gave up their freedom to get it. Which do you think they would prefer?

Sounds like he has his life figured out

Is that Eric Adams’ corrupt ass back there?

Why is the mayor there?

Strong Advocate for free healthcare. But prison healthcare at the federal level is god awful.

2 birds with one stone

>Inmates are the only population in the United States with a constitutional right to health care

Supreme Court


Inmates do not get good healthcare

People need to start condoning murder because it’s the only thing that ever really changes anything.

Can someone explain to me how he was not able to afford proper care even without insurance? was his family not very wealthy?

Can’t wait for Eric Adams to put on his orange jumpsuit.

So if youโ€™re dying and you get denied lifesaving medicine itโ€™s preferable to kill the denier and going to prison if you want to survive? Wow, thatโ€™s a pretty stupid way of doing business in a country that is armed to the teeth.

Medical care is horrendous in prisons though and lifesaving procedures are regularly denied or critically delayed.

Gotta keep your slaves healthy!

In California, they’re considered slaves. The Californian people voted to keep them as slaves.

I wonder how many CEOs will die as a result of Mayor Adams making Luigi into a hero.

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