Eat The Rich

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Every rich person says it’s mostly about luck anyway.

Taxing unrealised gains is a stupid idea. 

The combined stock value of companies they hold stocks in reached 1 trillion*

Stop supporting their companies and buying their stock if you really want to make a difference.

Oh look another post to tax unrealized gains that will never happen.

it’s truly disturbing that so few can understand the difference between net worth and net income.

They dont look like they would taste very good. Pass the ketchup.

Tax income earnings, not asset holdings.
Oh yeah, that’s right, we already do that.

Agree with the idea. How can billionaires be taxed though when it is unrealized gains?

Why dont you just stop using Amazon. that would financially hurt them too

To the people that argue you can’t tax billionaires, but also believe that massive wealth inequality is a huge issue, what exactly is the solution? I never see the answer, only how a million other things can’t ever work.

My guys be playing cookie clicker IRL

“Breaking”. Like we haven’t been on this path since 1980.

And that fact doesn’t prevent anyone from getting another dollar

Yes. But don’t forget to introduce tax write offs when their stocks go down.

Compounding is a hell of a drug

Lets tax them all down to one billion each, and start repairing roads and buildling new rail lines and new green power manufacturing and oh yes tons into education as well.

I’m so freaking brain washed i can’t tell who is maga and who isn’t. And I’m also pretty sure I’m now maga too. 

If those dollars were miles, their wealth would be 11000 times farther than earth is from the sun.

you cannot amass such fortunes without sin

They should be taxed 100% of their revenue until their wealth drops to 5millions, and then get capped at that for the rest of eternity. Then they can get a bumper sticker “I won capitalism”.


Your 401k accounts got rich off these companies as well.

What percents of growth would this be? For instance if I had 100,000 12 years ago how much would I have today with that same growth?


Billionaires are like a bad sequel there’s nothing new, just more of the same greed and exploitation, and somehow, it still gets praised.

$1,000,000 x 1,000,000

No clue who Ellison is, but the other three earned their wealth in ways no one else in history could. Zuckerberg created Facebook and the modern concept of social media, connecting the entire world online. Bezos created Amazon and the modern concept of online shopping, knocking Walmart off it’s retail throne and selling to the entire world. Musk popularized electric vehicles and reignited public interest in space exploration, and launched satellites to provide constant online access around the globe. Everyone complains about these men, but they weren’t just handed their livelihoods. They actually did something to contribute to humanity and what they did was invaluable. Even if they just threw mommy and daddy’s money at other people to do these things, they’re still the ones who made it possible to happen.

Just put the fries in the bag, man.

Musk is about half of that (nearly doubled since the election)

How come billions of people can’t take the money of 4 people??

The cry of the communist! Confiscate other people’s property! Redistribute to those who haven’t earned it! Pay to the lazy and incompetent!

Musk is an American now?

The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse? Lol

Billionaires should DONATE Bitcoin to the Bitcoin Reserve for the first four years to relieve the burden on taxpayers.

It’s about being smart!

If we keep inflating currecy soon they’ll all be quadrillionaires.

Anyway when you say “eat the rich” you are actually advocating violence, aren’t you?

You should not be able to put up highly liquid assets as collateral against loans.


Taxing was needed 10 years ago. We’re past that now

Elon is a real n*gga, that’s facts

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