Elon Musk: ‘I’m Not Donating to Any Candidate’… But the Receipts Say Otherwise

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God damn I love screenshots. I feel like in 20-40 years some of these are gonna be gold

I’m not donating, I’m buying.

It wasn’t a donation, it was a down payment

He didn’t donate. Donating requires not getting something directly in return. With his money, he purchased a seat as sitting president

He didn’t donate. He made a purchase. The 2024 election was a transaction.

It wasn’t a donation. It was a down payment.

He wasn’t donating. He was making a purchase

It wasn’t a donation. Donations are gifts without obligations. He straight up purchased Donald Trump.

He didn’t donate. He bought himself an election.

clever use of the present tense there. “just to be SUPER CLEAR, I am not, currently, as of 7:20AM on March 6th 2024, donating money to either candidate”

He’s no donating, he was buying it.

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“Why donate to any candidate, when I can just buy my own?”

Straight up bribe – or purchase price…donated nothing.

What a piece of shit. Kill all billionaires.

Yeah and Joe Rogan isn’t a republican

I believe he meant it, but drugs can give you a split personality. There’s sober Elon for prob ten minutes a day now. The there’s high Elon the rest of the time

It was a purchase, not a donation.

He didn’t donate to anyone. He just bought it for himself.

Isnt elon the guy who brought his kid to a press conference with him a day or so after the you know what

He wasn’t donating he was buying.

If we label it as ‘buying’ instead of donating then he is correct…

Musk is a compulsive liar. Hopefully in 4 years he can be jailed for fraud.

i feel like elon might be planning something ngl

I’m not just Magaw, I’m dawk magaw 🤓

Remember when Trump said that he doesn’t need votes to win…wonder what high-tech company CEO Musk-Rat did, and now he owns Trump?

Probably all changed after it was found out that he has been in secret talks with Putin for the past 2 year.

I remember him saying something along the lines that if Trump didnt win, then hes f*cked. I thought that was a pretty exaggerated statement at the time, but after finding out about the secret talks I feel like whoever found that out and whoever reported it, they had enough on him that he was in big trouble for something. Which is probably not just what made him so desperate to help Trump win that he started doing daily million dollar lotteries, but also that he made to sure to stay in his ear and at his side the whole time.

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