Phoenix Suns owner changes food prices at the stadium to $2

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He also moved all the games to local TV, and ran a program to provide antenna to anyone who didn’t have one.

“A family of 4 used to spend $98 on hotdogs, water and popcorn now they can get the same thing for $24.”

Everyone is being squeezed right now in this cycle of jacking up prices, being greedy and taking more and more and more. Nice to see the pendulum swing the other way for once, regardless of how minor.

This is good business sense. You don’t grow your fan base into younger generations if the kids have never been to a game. You don’t sell jerseys if kids think this is something only parents want.

And food prices have been out of control at stadiums for decades.

Considering the Phoenix Suns stadium was partially paid for by tax payers much like all sports stadiums in the US this kind of pricing should be the standard not the exception.

Rarely do I comment on Reddit, but I actually work at the company that this man is the CEO of. The reason I am still there is because this guy actually cares. Its the only corporate job I’ve botheted to put any effort into. He is actually like this. It’s not fear, it’s not a marketing ploy, it’s the fact he genuinely does care for people. So happy to see this pop up on my feed!

He safe

That it was ever $8.50 (more than an hour of minimum wage) for fucking water???

And they still make a profit. This is what capitalism was and should be

This dude gets it. One of the first things he did when he bought the team was ditch the Regional Sports Network and put the team on a free over-the-air channel. At the same time, he takes big swings with the team to try to win.

I’ll take 30 hotdogs good sir. Damn I love hotdogs…

Must not be owned by Live Nation….

The fact that soda is cheaper than water

Two dollars for one hot dog I hope they don’t go bankrupt or anything.

That’s almost enough to get me to care about sports, and that says a lot. This is a good human

The real crime is why the fuck those prices are so high, I’ve been to a lot of games, concerts, shows and $9 for a fucking hotdog???

Are they having attendance issues? I can’t see them doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.

Bro wanted to be able to attend his games without the fear of the crowd dragging him out and hot dogging him to death /s

In all fairness, that’s actually a reasonably thoughtful thing to do and a good way to connect with people well outside your class orbit

Replace higher markup by a lower markup with a much higher volume of sales, this will probably have little effect on profits.

How many of us simply plan on not buying anything at a game because of the price? Now, if I can get a snack/light meal for $5-10, I’m more likely to plan for it.

Smart business move and taking care of you customers at the same time.

Bravo Sir! Thank you!

None of these things should have ever cost 7-8 dollars to begin with. They are still making over 100% margins at 2!

Ryan Smith owner of the Jazz and UHC rolled this out this year as well. Hopefully it becomes more common and people can actually have a night out with their family without going broke.


Did I just become a suns fan?

Hell yeah

Now do beer

Please buy the Twins and never move them.

I hate captive audience pricing.

I know that this is all a publicity stunt. Getting more people watching, more people going to the games and buying food. Makes people talk about them, so more people watch, more people come, more people eat.

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