First time! Tips?

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ALWAYS search EVERYWHERE for iconics

Dont rush the main story, there is no time limit on it. Do side missions and gigs and just explore Night City from time to time

Angel is the guy

NCPD missions are an easy way to level up and the loot scales with your level.

Watch edgerunners if you haven’t

Get off the sub

Disconnect from the internet and take your time spoiler free

Drop jackie off with his family

If you find yourself enjoying the game, and haven’t already got it, purchase Phantom Liberty. It’s incredible.

Let Hanako wait at Embers. Complete every side quest and gig you find and explore like your life counts on it

Side content is crucial. Main story by itself is quite short.

Keep scanning as a routine to make sure you dont miss out on loot on your way

Don’t think too much about your genitals you won’t see them anyway

think of secondary missions as main ones

Get off reddit and go play the game!

Put it on hard because it’s too easy

1 tip: Enjoy.


Don’t jaywalk

Loot everything disassemble everything

If a monk asks you to help his brother and you say you’ll help, stop what you’re doing and help immediately.

Do not look up builds or use one of those silly calculators. There will be time for that. The game isn’t that hard, don’t worry about this “ideal build” nonsense.

You can respec your stats (blue points) only once, but you can refund and shift your perks around (yellow points) all you want.

Burn down everything, eat a scop burger, and listen to your Samurai record.


Drive around Lee’s than you walk and absorb your environment. It’s a beautifully built world. Keep your eyes open and head on a swivel. Listen to people when they converse. Search everything. Certain items are only available during a certain act. Just enjoy yourself.

Side gigs and side quests have great content and good rewards, don’t pass them up

Get out reddit and go play by yourself

Don’t spoil yourself, make decisions you think your character would make and enjoy the ride

Put the game on difficult. It is really too easy in normal. And I am very bad at videogames, but after a while, no fight makes my braincells move.

Man i wosh i could have a first play through again.

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