In the deepest part of Earth (Challenger Deep), which goes down 35,000 feet, there is a lone beer bottle.

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I remember on ask Reddit, someone asked sailors to share their knowledge of the sea. Top comment was “no matter how far you go, there’s trash.”

From highest tops to deepest deeps
Human drops but never sweeps

Well that’s a little depressing.

The gods must be crazy.

SpongeBob down there depressed as hell.

James Cameron you litter bug!


It’s a beer called Pale Whale.

Pan the camera around… there’s probably a Starbucks.

Patrick has been drinking

So that’s where the rum went

I need to know what brand of beer it is

theres a hole in a bottle at the bottom of the sea…..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)

Even in this harsh environment, beer bottles thrive. This lends further credence to the theory that they are not of terrestrial in origin, but that Earth was seeded by beer bottles that arrived from the void of interstellar space.

How is the bottle not like crushed?

Didn’t expect the deepest part of earth to be an alcoholic

There has to be a lot of pressure on something living down there. It could drive anyone to drink.

At least there are no plastic grocery bags in this picture!

One day the Earth will be on fire and the seas will boil. All that trash will be burned up. The lights will go out one last time.

Sad af

Those dang kids will just go anywhere to party and smoke dope.

I would expect nothing less

Welp. That’s enough Reddit for today.

We need to send down more beer bottles.

Well it’s not gonna float

It’s a message in a bottle, someone has to read it

That’s my bad I’ll go get it

Quit throwing your garbage into our dimension.

“If Heineken made subs..”

Some dude thought he had finally found some place to rest from society, but…

how is the label still on it??

Rock bottom


In Germany we say: Das gute Pfand!


I don’t always drink beer, but when I do……
It’s from the abyss…….

Dam teenagers finding spots to drink again

Imagine throwing a bottle away never knowing it found it’s way to the deepest part of the ocean. Some Pixar plot shit

I mean, sometimes you gotta drink a beer.

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