Number of Syrians in European countries ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ

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In Russia, there are at least 2 Syrians.

So most of the Syrians went to Turkey and Northern Turkey


Never ask a Turk his opinion on Syrians๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

These numbers must be pulled out of someone’s ass. Austria alone officially lists 109k Syrians in the 2015-2023 range alone. [Official source](

Lets hope they can all return safely now that Assad is gone

“European Countries”, half of them don’t have any data. And that’s not because there aren’t any Syrians in the rest of the european countries.

Can they return now?

Hope to see those numbers shift. Syria needs now all those people to rebuild after the fall of Assad who was the biggest reason to flee Syria in first place. I am glad for those people that they can now go back home. cold Europe must be hell for those people

Now that Assad is gone, they can all go back home. Right?

Confirmed 6 million at least by the sultan in his latest speech.

What the hell with Germany and Sweden?

Suicidal migrant policies

I can assure you that, theres ALOT MORE than 3.5mil syrians in turkiye.

The fuck are these comments

Why the fuck are there so many in Sweden Germany and the netherlands

These comments are complete hate while not providing any extra information

Turks will say there are 20M syrians in Turkey

There are 3-4 million Syrians in Brazil. That is less known….

we only wish there would be 3.6 million, there is much, much more.

Send them all home.

I wonder why there are so many stabbings, shootings, rapes and gang violence happen in Germany and Sweden ๐Ÿค”

Save Europe

Now do Algerians in France and Moroccans in Spain and the Netherlands

Who made the numbers? The statistisches Bundesamt in germany has way lower numbers for germany

I have a very vivid memory of the first Syrian refugees I encountered in Norway after the war started. 2 guys sitting in a corner of a bar turned psychedelic club for the night. Almost everyone in the club was on Molly and wearing their hippiest clothing and drinking water of powerade instead of beer. They looked mesmerized and rather shocked by all these white folks in dreads and baggy pants with wide smiles and pupils. I sat down with them to talk and they told me they just arrived from Syria. Asked me what tf was going on here and if this was normal for Norway. Was a bit of a culture shock for them! Told them it wasn’t very normal and they just picked the wrong bar for sampling the Norwegian culture. Very nice guys, in fact every Syrian I’ve met have been great people. And the falafel in Oslo became waaaaay better after they arrived. I’m really happy the war might be over and I understand fully if they all want to go home but if they wanna stay they are more than welcome if you ask me.

11k my arse ๐Ÿคฃ

hot take, but in the history of mankind there have never been such altruistic societies as modern Western Europe. In a couple of years or decades we should go back and check what will happen to them, whether it was justified or it was a slow suicide

Now do crime stats by nationality.

The difference between the Nordic countries

Germany be like: “We have plenty of space :)”

Meanwhile cost for health insurance doubles because so many people coming here doesnt work but use our benefits.

Iโ€™d say let the Arab countries look after their own.

Its wild how many NL took in as small as we are compared to the bigger countries

They have to go back

Send them all back to syria

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