People in glass houses shouldn‘t throw stones

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There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19

“Thou shalt not kill.”

He’s reading “peacemaker” and thinking the DC character but Jesus was talking about hippies.

The peace make over here went to a city that he isn’t from to start shit and got people killed.

There is nothing like having a preacher who had to repent for his murder.

Oh wait, no, he just did some crying in court and walks the streets grifting.

That fat crybaby bitch is an actual murderer.

Joseph Rosenbaum:

2002: Convicted in Arizona for sexual conduct with a minor involving five boys aged between 9 and 11. He was sentenced to approximately 12 years in prison and was required to register as a sex offender upon release.

Anthony Huber:

2012: Charged with felony strangulation and suffocation, false imprisonment, and domestic abuse. He accepted a plea deal, resulting in a conviction for domestic abuse-related charges.
2018: Convicted of disorderly conduct as a domestic abuse repeater, a misdemeanor offense.

Gaige Grosskreutz:

Prior to 2020: Faced multiple charges, including domestic abuse, trespassing, and two charges of carrying firearms while intoxicated. Additionally, he had a history of non-cooperation with law enforcement.

I’m pretty sure Rittenhouse got spooked by a plastic bag.

I think it was ‘Blessed are the cheesemakers.’

Rittenhouse quoting scripture has the same irony behind it as Google does with their “Don’t be evil” slogan.

Spoken by the guy who traveled over state lines *in order to shoot other people.* Don’t try to convince me otherwise.

*Not if you believe in even the slightest bit of redemption. 

Weird i don’t even follow that book. 

One of the most obvious cases of self defense I’ve ever seen

This isn’t murder by words, it’s a grown man still obsessed with a kid who defended himself years ago. Sad!

You guys are still attacking the kid who defended himself against a violent pedophile. Not a great look

Dude who blatantly went looking for a fight talking about peacemakers. Fuckin clown.

You know, Jesus and his “peace by any means necessary” policy. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it. Geez. I mean, you might not be a Christian, but it’s a big part of all of our lives whether we like it or not so, you might as well learn about it. 😂 😂 😂

Turn the other cheek

Wasn’t this the comment that begat this entire subreddit?

Hit him back with scripture:
Important: do not hit them with “the devil can quote scripture” because that is quote from Shakespeare not the Bible.,

Read the following
**Matthew 4:1-11**
**Read this, go back and read Pslam 91 (what it pertains to)** .
**Then read Matthew 4:1-11 to see how Satan twists it when presenting it to Jesus. Pay attention to Matthew 4: 8-9**
Again, Jesus took him to a very high mountain and showed him all of the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.**”**
Notice he is temping Christ with the promise of gain of political power.
**Last steps: Define IRONY and share with others.**
**There’s your** dose **of the Good Book this Sunday Morning**
**Lesson concluded**
**Go in Power.**

PS: If you liked this, wait till you can see what I can do with treatment of the poor. The offering of political power by Satan should scare- or at least give pause-to a believer.

See the same?

He will be forever a virgin, unless him and Nick Fuentes hook up….

Peacemaker here was about people who embraced forgiveness. People who would overlook a slight in the interest of maintaining peace, people who were capable of looking at the strife in the world and instead of diving headfirst into it with an AR-15 choosing to not contribute to the problem by taking on the role of the antagonist to people lashing out in anger. He didn’t mean punisher wannabe pigs.

Next: “I can do **all** things through Christ who strengthens me” (;

I’ve had a Christian friend literally justify the necessity and act of cutting off the beaks of chickens in industrial hatcheries to keep them all from killing each other due to the stress and anxiety they endure from birth to death in the hatchery. Because God gave man ‘dominion’ over the animals. seriously. Quoted the bible to justify it.

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I’m 29 and 4’4 tall, I don’t want to be called a child, thank you.

Kyle Rittenhouse, the conservative’s version of Luigi Mangione

Mark you this, Bassanio; the Devil can cite scripture for his purpose.

Someone is getting roasted.

Also his profile picture is 100 pounds ago

“If you kill all the people that want peace then there will be peace.”


Child with gun and kill count of 2 refers to self as “peacemaker”

Killing CEOs good, killing armed and aggressive ex-cons and pedos bad.

Yep, sounds about Reddit.

What he means is things will be peaceful once he blows everyone away.

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose” – William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Oh no! Not that poor pedophile that got shot attacking someone. You guys are fucking weird.

People in any kind of house probably shouldn’t throw stones, when your think about it. You could break a lamp.

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