Donald Trump and his team are reportedly debating “how much” to invade Mexico once he takes office, per the Independent.

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What’s a soft invasion?

Legalize all drugs and tell the cartels to pound sand.

*He’ll keep us out of foreign conflicts, trust me bro frfr*

I’m not sure this is how to accomplish it, but we should all be rooting for a successful and stable Mexico. A stronger Mexico means more economic opportunities with our neighbor

If only we had another instance of a large military power recently invading their neighbor to judge how bad of an idea this is.

The anti war candidate, eh? Lol

90% reports end up being bs though

Drone action.

They did so well in Afghanistan. I’m sure they’ll clean Mexico right up. It’s not like the cartels are composed of ex special forces ops.

All of the special forces that have engaged with the cartels said they’re more brutal and ruthless than the Taliban. This ain’t gonna go well

This whole sub is trash now. Just turned into another echo chamber

To all the people that thought Trump would end wars and not start them: HA just HA! Right in our backyard no less. May they have a great FO phase. Especially the gen z men who voted for him and are draftable

When did this sub turn into a far left political mouthpiece?


Not a valid source.

We don’t care about things that aren’t going to happen

Rolling Stone… LOL

No one should take Rolling Stone seriously.

What did Trump actually say?

C’mon cholesterol

You guys still read these outlets? Lmao

None. Dear lord. Give them Texas instead. Reverse invade.

So we’re just taking Mexico, Canada and the Panama Canal now? 

Good luck.

I built walls so the Mexicans cannot come here to work and get a better life

I will fucking make them come here to work!

DJT’s bullshit wall is being replaced by his bullshit invasion? Hmm… let’s have a closer look for our millions of Mexican-American neighbors.

Precision hits would do little to stem the flow of migrants or drugs, which we know from past military actions that were done in joint cooperation with Mexico. Larger strikes against migrants would cause enormous political and economic backlash against DJT and the GOP while costing their donors billions.

So again, it’s bullshit news about a bullshitter who likes to bullshit.

Feliz Navidad Mexico!

Source: trust me bro

What is their source? That’s a uuuuuge claim

How about a fucking source?

who even believes this horseshit lol

This is really, like really, really bad. This is catastrophic bad.

I’m finding it difficult to portray how horrifyingly terrible this idea is.

People this gullible are what trolls live for.
TrUmP is GoInG to iNvAde MexiCo!

Rolling Stone? lol. They lost all credibility years ago

Honestly I was worried trump was going to be isolationist. That and the stupid tariffs made me really bummed.

But this interventionism i’m here for!! Boots on the ground in Mexico. Take back our canal. And hopefully some regime change in Iran. This is beyond based.

Rolling Stone has a credible source? Doubt they would be allowed anywhere near his team.  This is most likely Fake News.

Democrats can’t stand trump success. So they will lie and attempt to create division.

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