Is this ” pro-life “

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I’m in full support of this as long as the men who got the woman pregnant also gets the death penalty. Only seems fair.

Can we just abort Twitter?

Once again “pro-life” people are really living up to their beliefs.

These are the same kind of people who dump their 12 year old dog off at the shelter on Christmas Eve so they can surprise their kids with a new puppy on Christmas morning.

When the value of life is second to your need to judge.

Nuking humanity would end abortions, IMO.

It goes to prove that we have a vengeance system and not a justice system.

Cant we all agree its because they need a future workforce for their factories in the future?

Beyond how fucked up this is. Imagine how much it would cost the state with all the appeals and everything else that goes along with that.

So the Idaho government wants to kill women for getting an abortion? They are anti abortion mainly because of Christianity. So they are willing to kill women in the name of Christianity. They are no better than sharia law. One of many things they hate.

Every woman should leave Idaho ASAP

Conservatism strike again.

Will punishing ceos that kill cut down on corporate greed then?

Starting a nuclear war that eliminates all human life would cut abortions IMO

Death penalty hasn’t been a successful deterrent in any major crime though. It’s purely used as a “strongman” tactic to garner votes through revenge porn.

No man should be able to have any comment

They are not pro life. They are anti abortion.

Exactly the same “logic” as arming teachers to prevent school shootings and advocating more weapons to lower gun crime. Whereas sex education, universal health care and safe birth control will actually lower abortion rates. But the cruelty is the point, controlling women is the point, feeding the haters is the point.

You see, they are not opposed to murder. They are just ok murdering women.

It’s hard to murder someone with words when they already murdered themselves saying the dumbest thing imaginable

The death cult is pro-life. That is almost funny if it wasn’t so dam sad.

Our entire system of government is based on property rights. A person who does not have absolute bodily autonomy fundamentally owns nothing. Why is this hard?

Ah yes, christian morals at work

No. This is progressives wasting time and energy on false “gotchas”.

The goal is not harm mitigation. The goal is not making people healthy and happy. The goal is not preserving life even.

The goal is 1. Everyone stays in their place in the hierarchy and 2. You get punished if you step out of line.

For the conservative the absolute worst moral failing is letting someone “get away with” something. It does not matter how many innocent people are executed as long as the one bad guy gets it. It doesn’t matter how many “good” women are hurt by anti-abortion laws as long as one woman doesn’t avoid getting “what she deserved”

They are not being hypocritical when they try to outlaws abortion with the death penalty. They have a different end game.

“Pro-lifers” would be very successful serial killers

Pulling the plug on someone whose life is relying on life support isn’t murder but deciding to remove a life that depends on your own body is. Apparently 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well as we all know the Church still needs more young children to brainwash and molest and the government needs more mindless rubes for cheap labor and to, well, pop out more children of their own to keep the cycle rolling.

That person has a serious problem. They need to stop giving people like that a platform

Mandatory chemical birth control for men, reversible with a court order, would reduce abortion rates. Trust me, if there is a market, it would be invented.

I’m pro choice.

This argument has always been shit and a strawman of the anti choice position. If you view abortion as murder and aren’t against the death penalty then obviously you’re fine with killing people who get abortions*. It is not a hypocritical position to take.

The best argument to actually convince conservatives is about bodily autonomy and keeping the government out of your healthcare, always has been, but I guess it’s easier to strawman the argument than actually try and convince someone.

*I’m not talking about the morality of this, just the logic.

That Idaho lieutenant governor candidate won’t be getting my vote!

They only care from the point of conception up until their first day at school.

This is super old, but he did indeed say it


It’s Anti-Life and Anti-Choice.

Just say the fœtus was planning to get herself an abortion in about 20 years

It’s not murder when the government does it.


Anyone who thinks politics can save this country is a moron

“Pro life” summed up isn’t about quality of life for anyone involved; you’re born into whatever you’re born into and are expected to make the best of it, even if that means having no options in life. But a rich pro-lifer is okay with that, especially when they can convince the poor, uneducated that abortion is murder so they feel bad about having those poor kids and thus populate the next generation of workers. That’s what pro-life is about under capitalism, chattel and capital, as in your kids and however little it takes to pay them to stay loyal to the company and keep having their own poor families to repeat that process.

Can we wall of these hardline GOP states into their own country and call it Gilead?

They want to be able to judge before they murder you. Like Jesus said /s/.

Liberal Female extermination

So the problem is murder and the solution is…murder?

“All lives matter”

*Just not those ones*

This is the world these fucks want to build.

Ugh and when people sounded the alarm about this before Roe v Wade was even overturned, all the pro lifers said we were exaggerating. I just hate how they are ok with things eroding step by step and every bit of the way saying “no it’ll never go *that* far” but it inevitably does

Let’s see the actual quote. Reddit is interesting sometimes.

I’m gonna apply mens logic towards rape victims, to fetuses.

How do you know the fetus didn’t *want* to be aborted?

The fetus *kinda* lead her to it though, I mean it kept making her sick, what did it expect to happen??

It’s really the fetuses fault, I mean if it didn’t want to be aborted, it could have just not put itself in that position.

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