Is this ” pro-life ” ?

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Proof that, as usual, it’s not a “pro-life” stance but an “enforced birth” rhetoric.

Using maths the two negatives make a positive
– Pro-lifer logic

We all know they’re not pro life. At all. They’re raised without basic human empathy. They do things for completely different reasons than normal empathic and humane people.

“We are so pro-life, we will kill you for it”

God that Idaho governer candidate should have been aborted. That is by far one of the worst takes I’ve seen in a long time and Im convinced that it’ll just get worse with 2025. Like honestly, how can you even suggest that kind of draconic punishment?! Are we back in the middle-ages? Or are we slowly evolving backwards?

US is wild

Well clearly, women aren’t people!

Forgot the /s, my bad

It was never about pro-life, it was always anti-woman

The logic is that abortion is murder, so the woman having an abortion committed murder.

So death penalty for her is the execution of a murderer, which is entirely justifiable in their mindset.

Their whole thing is “innocent life”.

I don’t support it, but this sort of statement or argument is effortless for them to rebut assuming their stance that abortion is murder, and executing murderers is not so unusual in the scope of the history of the US.

Taking this route gives them an easy layup

Fucking hell man do we go back to chopping off thieves hands as well? Radical Christianity is what is wrong with this fucking country.

America just gets worse every time I go on the Internet, my apologies to the good ones, I know you’re out there

To be clear, I don’t support the policy, but their logic is: the life of the woman and fetus are equivalent, the death penalty would deter abortion significantly, so you’d see a net increase in life through the policy.

I grew up in a red state where a lot of people believed stuff like this and I think it’s valuable to at least understand what assumptions they’re working under when arguing against them. Not that they won’t just shift the goal posts a lot of the time anyway, but just like pro life people will support the death penalty if they think it’s reducing murders, they’re willing to think in degrees on the abortion issue usually.

It is not “pro-life” it is pro-control.

Pro-life is a misnomer/marketing. It is strictly anti-abortion. Both things are not the same, and these people are definitely not pro-life.

This is what you voted for this past November.

It appears America spoke and women are property.

And this couldn’t have been accomplished without women voters…

Im all for this, as long as the men involved also get the death penalty. Seems only fair

If you’re killing them after the abortion you are too late. Save time kill women before they get pregnant just to be safe. This is the next fucking step in their weird pro birth mindset.

normal country

“Hi, I’m here for my Government approved MAID appointment…”

No, and neither is cancelling school lunch programs, nor not providing healthcare. Yet the party that screams it the loudest is the quietest on the abovementioned. I guess when your “pro-greed” stance is bigger than your “pro-life” stance, that’s bound to happen.

Masculinity is thee most fragile thing on Earth….

Source: I’m a man.

No hate like Christian “love.”

“If everyone died, crime would plummet!”

No. This is progressives wasting time and energy on false “gotchas”.

The goal is not harm mitigation. The goal is not making people healthy and happy. The goal is not preserving life even.

The goal is 1. Everyone stays in their place in the hierarchy and 2. You get punished if you step out of line.

For the conservative the absolute worst moral failing is letting someone “get away with” something. It does not matter how many innocent people are executed as long as the one bad guy gets it. It doesn’t matter how many “good” women are hurt by anti-abortion laws as long as one woman doesn’t avoid getting “what she deserved”

They are not being hypocritical when they try to outlaws abortion with the death penalty. They have a different end game.

“Pro life” should rebrand itself as “maximum amount of government control over you as possible”


No, it’s not.

The irony is so lost on them.

We need another Luigi asap

They’re not “pro-life.” They want women to be stuck. They want young moms dropping out of school making it harder for them to obtain jobs, making higher education harder to access and forcing women out of the workforce so they can take care of babies that they don’t want, can’t take care of, and can’t afford. That’s what they want.

When you realize what they are really trying to say is “It’s illegal for you to deny us more slaves” things start to make a little more sense.

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