Welcome to the age of corporate dominance, TAX them

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“Is America truly a land of opportunity, or just a playground for the wealthy?

President Musk will do the maximum for the wealthy, while people having a salary of 200k think they will benefit.

No, you will not. You are not wealthy. In President Musks’ view, you are a poor slave.

Are people suggesting that minimum wage should be tied to asset appreciation and stock market valuation? What the hell even is the hot take here?

Tax them and do what exactly with their money? The us govt continually fails audits and routinely loses trillions in dollars every year that go unaccounted for.

So no matter what you think the rich ahould pay for their “fair share” until the wasteful spending and failed audits are addressed this is literally like filling a pool without plugging the hole first.

I get what youre saying, but that’s a double edged sword to tax unrealized stock gains. Or would it be just for people over X net worth?

As for minimum wage, around 1% of workers make that amount or less. As of May 2023, the median hourly wage for all occupations in the United States was $23.11.

If our schools would teach economics more, like investing, budgeting, credit cards, practical stuff, we’d all be so much better off. But our schools don’t want financially educated citizens, why is that ? once you answer that question ask yourself who is in charge of education? Keep following the bread crumbs and eventually you’ll learn the truth and gain enlightenment.

Na I love paying my 26% and get nothing for it.

At least they eventually die like the rest of us. Except Zuckerberg since he’s an actual android.

We went from Socrates, Aristotle, and Pythagoras to these dickwads.

It’s truly an inconceivable amount of money.

Like I know they don’t just have all that liquid at any given time, but even just 1 billion dollars.

You would have to try so hard to spend just 1 billion dollars in your lifetime.

They have money that would take hundreds or thousands of lifetimes to spend.

And we just throw these numbers out now like “Oh yeah that makes sense they’re rich”

Or just stop buying their shit.. helping politicians get mad re power is a sad cope. Starve the beast.

Tax them? I can think of a better idea.

These 3 are the biggest problems in this country. Their unbridled greed is a disease. The time for an economic revolution is near?

What makes you think they are not already paying billions in tax?

If I was looking at a menu, which one would be the healthier option to eat?

Almost no one is getting paid that 7.25

Schadenfreude much?

Until the entire country agrees to strike against all of it. We’d would have to shut the country down completely


Scrapbook page of tweets and memes?

At least tax them at half the rate we are taxed at even though it should be the same rate.

They’ve all been taxed lol

K*** them all

I’m missing it – explain to me the correlation/causation between a stagnant minimum wage and the gains these three people have made over 12 years.

How much is enough the swamp is running out into the street .

That’s blood 🩸 money

Could insane debt based government spending blowing up the money supply, in turn massively inflating asset prices like equities be the reason or do we follow the narrative that those guys just got a little more “greedy” over the last 12 years?

im assuming we are leaning towards the pitchforks?

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Formula to success in America since last decade:

Have millionaire wealthy parents or Lie/Cheat/Steal get some initial money

Become rich by parking money in tax heavens.

Buy senators/lobbyists/judges with a few millions

Enact policies to pay zero to none taxes

Become billionaire

While it is a grotesque amount of wealth, you do realize none of the three of them have anything to do with federal minimum wage?

President Musk

The issue with posts like these is that no one gives people deep context to help them understand. This turns into how you Rich has told them they are already over taxed.

In the below examples, base salaries fall under (1) earned income tax brackets. While stocks/equities fall under (2) capital gains tax brackets.

Why this matters: (1) Social Security- Soc. S is only taxed on earned income up to $168,000. Only the CEOs base salary falls under this tax.

(2) earned income tax brackets and short term capital gains tax brackets are pretty much the same but you claim a loss on stocks/ equities to lower your tax burden. You pay 10% taxes on anything over $11,600.

(3) long term capital gains taxes are vastly less than earned income tax brackets. You pay 0% taxes on the first $47,000 in gains. You pay 20% in taxes on any gains $533,401 to infinity.
In comparison, 22% is taxed on $47,151 to $100,525 and 24% for $100,526 to $191,950 of earned income.

Bank of America CEO: Brian Moynihan – 2023

Base Salary : $1.5 million

Stocks/equities Compensation: $27.1 million

Total Compensation: $28.57 million

Goldman Sachs: CEO: David Solomon – 2023

Base Salary: $2 million

Stocks/equities Compensation: $24.7million

2023 Total Compensation: $26.67 million

I could go deeper but you get the basics and can conduct your own research. Also note, under Don, earned income taxes took more out of out of pay checks. In 2019:

10% = $0 to $9,700

22% = $39,476 to $84,200

$24% = 84,201 to $160,725

I assume Ms. Turner isn’t on FaceBook and doesn’t shop on Amazon??

I guess Obama and Biden couldn’t raise the minimum wage while they were president for 12 years combined

Were promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

But it’s the pursuit that’s guaranteed

well yes nina. amazon, tesla, and facebook have become three of the most important companies in the world and have touched literally billions of lives. mcdonald’s workers can’t put a hamburger inside of a bag without screwing up. this is inane.

Biggest con is how billionaires got poor working class rural Americans to staunchly defend the fact that they’re billionaires. No one should be in favor of it other than the billionaires and their nepo offspring who benefit from it

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