This legend right here

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This must be really old, it speaks of him in present perfect tense even though he passed away a little over a year ago and, according to Wikipedia, he had given over $8 billions by the time of his death.

Shall not be eaten


6 people went to college thanks to him

This is how it’s done. 👏👏👏


Scotts Tots!

He’s now worth nothing, because he’s been dead for a while

Dumped it all into this charity. Here’s some of their work.

“Over 37 years, Atlantic’s investments advanced opportunity, health, human rights and dignity across the globe. Its grantees made significant contributions to:

Catalyze the advancement of knowledge economies in the Republic of Ireland and Australia.

Hasten the end of the U.S. juvenile death penalty.

Increase the number of children with health insurance in the U.S. and help win passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Bring peace to Northern Ireland.

Secure life-saving medication for millions afflicted with HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Reduce racial disparities in destructive zero-tolerance discipline policies in U.S. schools.

Enable Viet Nam to develop a more equitable system for delivering health care throughout the country.”

Reddit has been full of “billionaire donates a ton of money” posts since Luigi acted. This guy (who has been dead for years) may have been good guy but he is the rare exception. Don’t fall for the propaganda.

Absolute chad

Whole lotta pro CEO content on reddit lately. 

I’m sure its 100% organic and not some kind of campaign. 

His children when they find out


There is no Chuck Feeney!!

And he did it all in secret, too.

Any relation to the guy from boy meets world?


What’s with this wave of “look at all these good billionaires” posts?

It’s kinda sad, this dude gave up his hard earned wealth to help society and he’s not mentioned anywhere, I gamble my left nut thay many of us here are just hearing about him.

We should not celebrate “good” billionaires, but rather work towards a world with no billionaires. True change comes not by hoping for the alms of powerful people but by forcing the powerful to accept us as their equals.


That much must have funded, like, 50 kids.

He did the same thing yesterday and the day before and the day before that and the day before that when this was posted before

Oh the duty free guy. If only all billionaires were as charitable. 

Ah, the Carnegie approach to excessive wealth. Well done

The real Mr. Beast

And this was “only” 6B. Imagine how prosperous our country would be if someone worth, say, 300B were to start taking care of people instead of try and rule them.

Our society notices the bad greedy billionaires and hardly ever notices people like this. Maybe more would be like him if they knew he exists.

A real Mensch

I work at Cornell University. This guy donated millions to help rich kids get richer. He’s not anyone to idolize.

It makes me sad that even that large of a sum is not enough to make a substantial difference to the lives of a big population


What a completely rational and normal thing to do

Should have started a foundation with perpetual income then given away grants and scholarships forever.

Where did the funds go?

A modern day saint.

this is getting spammed all over for some unknown reason

I wonder what the return on investment was for society? Like did that 6B turn into 100B in GDP since then? I image it is pretty hard if not impossible to know what the long term impact of something like this is on society.


I’d like to think this is the kind of billionaire I’d be. Start actually making the world better instead of just continually reaching for more and more and more. I could get myself setup with a fucking awesome house on some nice land and still live extremely comfortably on a few million. What’s the point in clawing for a higher number after that?


That’s the wrong way to do it. The proper way to do it is to park your wealth under a charity foundation for tax evasion and let media sing praise

We should rename google/fbook/amazon/crapple to just be “Be like Chuck”

and how much of that actually went to the under privileged vs how much was siphoned off by others along the way to that goal.

A Hero!


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