My dad used some climbing rope as a temporary fix for the fridge. This rope has been in here for 15 years.

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Please don’t attempt to use a bungee for climbing

That there is a bungee cord and a perfectly acceptable fix if I’ve ever seen one!

There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution that works.

Climbing rope? Sir, this is a bungee cord.

Why is there a spoon in the wine bottle?

I appreciate all the comments, guys, but I don’t have time to read them, I’m about to leave for a climbing trip. Packed my best bungee chord and plan on eating the snow for hydration. Wish me luck!

For the people reading this comment and to OP in particular:

Please never EVER use bungee cord as a climbing rope. DO NOT USE BUNGEE CORD AS CLIMBING ROPE!

What made you decide that that is specifically a climbing rope?

That’s a bungee cord, it is absolutely *not* climbing equipment.

The spoon in the wine bottle thing does nothing btw.

aka occy strap, aka octopus strap, as they are called here in Australia.
Nothing like a short occy to hold the choccy….. milk!

Climbing rope? God y’all are really gettin stupid out there.

More impressive is a fridge lasting fifteen years.

Please do not attempt to climb anything with that.

“climbing rope” lol yeah ok buddy.

1) That’s a bungee cord not climbing rope

2) Putting a spoon in a bottle does NOT, I repeat DOES NOT stop it going flat

Bungee chord

There is a saying around here where I am.

**”There is nothing more permanent than the temporary solution.”**

Now I see another example that it’s a universal truth.

I wouldn’t go climbing with that “rope”

To not know what a bungee cord is.

Rope? Sir, that’s a bungee cord.

That is not climbing rope

That’s a bungee cord.

That’s a bungee cord, not a climbing rope nor is it a rope of any kind.

you mean a bungee cable? This is not climbing rope

Climbing rope.

That’s not a climbing rope that’s a bungee cord

“climbing rope” lol that’s a bungee cord dude.


Thats a bungee strap not climbing rope…..

That is NOT climbing rope.

Not climbing rope and that means you and this post are a bull crap karma farm.

Not a climbing rope lmao that’s a bungee cord, and you should NEVER use it for climbing.

That’s a bungee cord. Please don’t use this to climb.

That’s a bungee cord

I’m not sure I’d climb with that rope

bro is lying and doesn’t know what a bungee cord is.

Bungee cord? Thats an occy strap

You should probably not go climbing

That’s not “a climbing rope”. That’s known as a “bungee cord”.

That is definitely not climbing rope

You’ve never been climbing have you…….

That’s a bungee cord….

That is *not* climbing rope

It’s a Bungie cord.

This a cool fix but also

Dear god, do not use that for climbing. That is not a climbing rope.

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