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His barber was Mr Bean



“Gimme that brain surgery cut.”

Was Moses his barber?

Did an alien crash on his head?

How come when I repost shit I don’t get upvotes? Where can I buy bot likes?


Stepping out to get the rest of your head shaved I hope

I’ve seen brain surgery patients with cleaner lines.

Has his part permanently gouged into his scalp

Damn bro u got that highway hairline😂

Got his haircut by Moses

“Sir, you are clear for landing!”

Those juicy zits just complete the ensemble. Dude looks like he got his ass kicked by a Norelco.

“How about I draw a line down your head so it looks like a butt!?”

Barber: “How wide do you want your part?”

Bro: “Just normal size.”

Barber: “Ok.”

He didn’t get it normal; he got the sneezed halfway through and no turning back

Luckily, any pilots in need of an emergency landing can now feel safe with that strip

I could drive her home through that part

Wow what a hot BALD STRIP said no one ever

Checking for zits in the scalp?


is that a burnout strip for hot wheels or something?

School shooter fade

I wish I had this kind of confidence 

Watchu want fam?

*You ever hear the story about Moses parting the Red Sea?*

Say no more fam.


Lou Holtz once made a comment about a hair cut like this….

Lookijg at his hair parting and now I just see a crocodile jumping out of the water

lesbian or prep boy

Son getting cuts from Ray Charles

Did u cut ur hair with duct tape?

Chris Rock said it best “Y’all ain’t killing me.”

Looks like a cock landing strip

My man going for that fresh out of brain surgery look, respect homie

You aren’t getting any girls.

It looks like Dirk’s diggler.

How is this rare? I feel like almost everyone is thinking the same thing and the guy knows it too

Why is that strip just about as long as the average dick length?

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