Lucky brats

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In the olden days young mothers didnt have to have a job to help provide for the family. Now they do.

I remember my English teacher being young, cute and dreamy, the rest of them do match the group at the top.

I had an attractive elementary school teacher and a gorgeous French teacher in 8th grade.

Van Halen didn’t perform “Hot for Teacher” as a satire.

My son came home the other day and said โ€œdad, my teacher is a baddie.โ€ I had to have him explain to me what he meant because Iโ€™m not up to date on the newest lingo teens speak nowadays ๐Ÿ˜‚

I actually had a teacher that was hot and all but only at the 12th grade, tramp stamp included

When your teacher walks into class looking like they just came from a coffee shop, not the staff room.

now days

You mean you’re more sexually attracted to women in your age range instead of your mother or her mother’s? Who could’ve possibly guessed.

One of the women in the top tried to make memes ilegal

Que raro ver a Paquita la del Barrio y (disculpen mi ignorancia, no conozco el nombre de la actriz) en un meme en inglรฉs.


When I went to some elementary schools to do presentations I was surprised that a lot of the teachers were hot and attractive. When I was a kid they were mostly, well ugly and old. I was wondering how it changed and if that observation was only specific to my experience.

Now days

in a couple of years everything will be like it was in your childhood

Okay but the one on the far right doesnโ€™t even look old enough to be out of college.

Had the pleasure of having 4 great looking teachers. Really makes you like some classes more than others as a teenager.

I don’t remember much of my elementary teachers. But my biology, French and English teachers in middle school? Sheeeeeesh

If you didn’t fap to your English teacher, you ain’t a real one ๐Ÿ˜ค

I still have teachers who are 30+

Yeah, and seems to be a growing number of whores who want to have sex with underage students. Whatโ€™s going on with that?

It’s just sample bias. 11/12 teachers are still dogs and only like 1% are what anyone would call hot. But with teachers almost any school there’s a teacher who’s a solid 7 who will fuck nearly anyone who bathes and can talk to women.

Also, 90% of teachers are secret freaks.

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