9 year old raised $30K for a prosthetic arm after insurance denial but donated it to help other kids

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Not medically necessary for a kid to have a prosthetic arm? Fuck off, insurance companies

โ€œNot medically necessaryโ€

This is a perfect example of why for-profit healthcare is wrong. This girl was born missing an arm. She did not choose this. She didnโ€™t do anything to deserve this. But itโ€™s not medically necessary to giveher arm?

Healthcare should not be a privilege. Healthcare should be right. No one asked to be born. Especially with disabilities.


>young girl who created a GoFundMe after her insurance claim for a prosthetic arm was denied is using her $30,000 in donations to buy robotic arms for two other kids.

>Remington “Remi” Bateman was born with a missing left hand, and, after experiencing bullying, the 9-year-old girl’s family filed an insurance claim for a prosthetic arm, which her doctors also deemed medically necessary, according to her GoFundMe.

>Jami Bateman, the girl’s mother, said that Select Health denied their insurance claim and two appeals, maintaining it was “not medically necessary.”

>Since the young girl’s family would have to pay $24,000 out-of-pocked for a Hero Arm, they decided to start a GoFundMe. Its virality led to a barrage of donations before CrowdHealth, a peer-to-peer healthcare company, offered to pay for Remi’s prosthetic arm in full, as reported by KUTV.

>Since Remi no longer needed the money, she decided to use her donations to pay for the Hero Arm of a boy named Taj, as his GoFundMe had hit just under 15% of his $10,000 goal.

>”Being able to help Taj means a lot to me, as soon as I saw that I had raised enough money to help someone else I wanted to. There’s another girl, called Faith, she’s 10, I want to help if we can keep fundraising. She is also trying to get a Hero Arm,” Remi told Open Bionics.

>Remi’s family hopes to continue advocating for their daughter and every other kid facing the same insurance challenges.

>”The reason we shared Remi’s story in the first place was to raise awareness of the impact insurance denials have. Remi absolutely needs this device to aid her in two-handed tasks and activities. It is going to support her spinal and shoulder health as she grows too,” Jami told Open Bionics.


Oh no, Luigi what a bad person. Fucking insurance companies

This is not normal or a heart warming story. A child was refused a prosthetic because it was deemed unnecessary. The system is broken l!

Luigi is a little busy right now. Whereโ€™s Mario?

At least one person decided to play the hero in this situation

Does anyone know the ceo name and address

This is not a feel good story. This is a specific example of how US insurance companies are evil.


You can tell she’s cool because of the T-shirt. The story confirms it.

You can tell that insurance companies are dickwads because of the same story. How is a second arm/hand not medically necessary ffs.

Pew pew pew get too it Luigi

Who is the leader of the company that denied this girl an arm?

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God damn insurance companies. They going to learn, eventually.

Hey Luigi, we got another job for you.

What could possibly be the reason in denying that claim? Fucking savages.

Fuck American healthcare.

We need more Luigis to save this mushroom kingdom

Insurance denial.

I’m so done with this country.

See, Luigi was right

Delay, deny, and defend.


Not necessary?? What TF they think this is cosmetic??

r/OrphanCrushingMachine is leaking, I see

Saddle up Mario Brothers youโ€™re needed once again

Where’s Luigi when you need him?

This is a dystopian nightmare… Instead of the healthcare system doing its job literal children are raising money for the crippled and poor…

That kid is collecting good kARMa

I think it’s time we stop paying these insurance companies. We need an alternative.

Ah, I see it’s once again time for heartwarming stories about the Orphan Crushing Machine.

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