Luigi Mangione smiling as he leaves court

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Is that some just some randoโ€™s car? If not, then why does it have a deified version of the Dave Chappelle/crackhead meme hanging from the mirror?!

The Saint Tyrone Biggums air freshener makes this pic so unserious

the irony of that deadpool accessory

The look on his face says “you can’t make this shit up”.



He is laughing at the air freshener

Release Cutie McShooty into my custody

He probably just farted.

probably still laughing about how his attorney wiped the floor with the prosecution during that opening salvo lol

Deadpool approves

How TF did they manage to convene a grand jury entirely composed of insurance execs????

Oh, the rascal!

He has free medical care now. They might be providing him some good pain medications for his back.

If anyone but Dave Franco plays him in the movie, I don’t know anymore.

Look at that combination of air fresheners, Dave Chappelle on crack, and cartoon Deadpool? I’d be laughing at that too. lol

Imagine if he’s not the actually killer and this has been just a huge troll on his part.

A little side story about New Yorkโ€™s finest. When my uncle passed away alone in his house, my cousin called NYPD for a wellness check as his father failed to check in. NYPD did find him dead and then stole some of his guns.

It would be funny if they were taking advantage of the privacy of the car and congratulating him for his service to humanity. (Assuming he did it)

Is that Tyrone Biggums as Jesus on the air freshener? How strange, Iโ€™ve seen photos of Luigi in the same Jesus picture with the sun behind his head etc.
not quite a glitch in the matrix but odd nonetheless

Heโ€™s got โ€œGreatโ€ medical care for free. Hell of a drastic way to get it but this is america after all.

The deadpool- omg no way

Probably still in a state of euphoria. Yall ever really wanted someone dead? Now imagine getting to do it yourself. Its probably a hell of a high

He’s smiling because he has a bad ass lawyer.

Damn, a lot of bots today

So many bots in here.

I get it. A lot of people have the hots for him. Thatโ€™s fine. But if youโ€™re not talking about the state of healthcare in America along with this case, then youโ€™re just lusting after a murderer.

Thatโ€™s one for the books.

Only an insane person would be smiling right now in his position considering the feds are probably going to be seeking the death penalty if convicted and Trump will be in office who is a big fan of the death penalty

Why’s no one talking about the weird ass dave Chappelle Crack head jesus hanger on the mirror

Wonder if he’s smiling because of Deadpool

His smile is so contagious

But what’s he giggling about? I’m dying to know

Post it 10 more timesย 

odds are stacked against him but he’s just a chill guy.

What a Chad

The boyโ€™s a bit off.

Merry Christmas, hero

The Tyrone Biggums air freshener

Are the two other guys twins??

Is that Tyrone Biggums?

Deadpool there

He’s like that journey song “Don’t Stop Believing”. I so hope he doesn’t end up like Epstein.

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