This seems to be fitting

By PFTA987
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What could go wrong denying people a basic human right over and over again while also easily arming them? Denying people in your country a human right that can literally mean their life or death, pain or no pain, health or illness, what would they have to lose when you already took that from them?

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.

Bernie was the compromise

…well 🤷

Could’ve done it the easy way or the hard way, so I guess America chose the hard way.


Those who deny the incremental betterment of their people require a revolt akin to the French Revolution. Nobody asks for it but those in power should know better.

I actually saw a Ted Talk in which a millionaire was actively begging for the elite to tone it down for fear of a revolt. He saw it coming at least 5 years ago.

Never forget what CNN did to Bernie. Fox News gave Bernie a bigger platform than CNN. I’ll never get over that town hall he did on Fox News. They agreed with him and CNN wouldn’t give him the time of day.

Responsibility for the death of Brian Thompson lies on the health insurance industry who lobbied against affordable healthcare.

It lies on every politicians who took those bribes and allowed their money to influence them.

Luigi is the symptom, business in government is the disease!

Thanks Obama

Luigi was likely not the first person to realise that with Trump’s election, all legitimate roads of political reform are now closed, but he certainly won’t be the last.

what the fuck is going through your head when you circle the only thing to look at

this is worse than an instagram influencer gesturing toward a picturesque mountain view out her hotel window like you were completely lost about where to be looking

I like how you made that post and screenshotted again for this post. Money move.

If you’ve watched the clip, Colin Jost was shook at all the people cheering. He’s worth 10 Million and ScarJo is worth 165 Million. Not exactly a plebian amount. Remember, it’s a big club and we ain’t in it.

“Los que le cierran el camino a la revolución pacífica, le abren al mismo tiempo el camino a la revolución violenta.”

Thanks for the red circle, I had no idea what I was supposed to read until I saw it

The blame belongs to greedy ceos

Take the power back

People are calling Luigi the patron saint of Universal Healthcare, but really that’s Bernie

I heard there’s a big wedding in aspen soon.

Man I really need another red circle to show me what to read.

Not inevitable, the billionaires just needed to be a little more human.

Please Don’t substitute the culture war for a class war aha you’re so sexy

anyone else having issues seeing upvote counts on Luigi related posts?

Luigi Mangione is a wealthy frat boy.

He is who Sanders hates.

The revolution will be bloodless if they let it.

I also really liked, let’s not ruin this young man’s potential over 20 minutes of action.

Jesus this is ridiculous.

Very fucking true

Thanks for the red circle.

Looking at you, DNC

Oh that’s a whole new level of delusional, thinking Grifter Bernie would have been a better choice.

Bernie worked hard to help elect Trump, and politically speaking, it’s the only thing he’s ever succeeded at.

And you guys say Trump supporters couldn’t handle losing lmfao, get the fuck over it

Are you, are you

Coming to the tree?

The original quote (John F. Kennedy):

“Those that make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Yup, they’re knowingly choosing The Other Option, they just think we’re too docile/scared to follow through with it.

its a class war, nothing else. people need to repeat this until everybody learns and understands it and then act upon it somehow.

You aren’t actually doing anything though. Just making pictures on the internet. Cosplay revolutionary.

No, Americans love voilence and it’s sickening that’s why we are championing Luigi and never voted for Bernie. I just want to point out that this is a poor comparison, not necessarily saying either are bad.

To me, Luigi killing the CEO Is inline with the parent of a child who got raped killing the rapist. Murder is always wrong but I can see it justified and I would want Luigi to walk away free if he could promise he would never do something like that again, but that’s a ridiculous statement I just made.

Not enough people voted for Bernie in the primary, so he didn’t move on to the general. I had tons of friends who liked him and stayed home, because they’ve never been interested in politics. Well, this country won’t change on its own for you, and the youth vote performed horribly for Bernie, as did independents, as did Republicans, as did Democrats… even if the superdelegates voted inline with their base instead of being loyal to Hillary he would have come up short. Americans across the spectrum are conservative and vote for conservative politicians, just look at who is in power. If people truly wanted Bernie they would have voted but they didn’t.

Instead, people revere Luigi because we’re part of a “fuck around and find out” culture instead of get of the couch and building multicultural working class coalitions. No one is going to be armed and ready. No one is going to make a change. No one can get their sweaty ass off a couch to go vote in a primary, never mind revolting and standing up to militarized police. If anything, Americans overwhelming like Luigi because he chose violence, and everyone is pissed off and angry which scares me. I’m not even sure if ppl like him because of the ethical reason of the CEO murdering tons of ppl and he only shot one. Americans just like “bang bang, he dead!!!!”

Whatever, I appreciate Luigi because he stood up to the system. I appreciate Bernie because he’s been going against the grain and doing hardwork for DECADES.

Bernie told us from his own mouth to support the blue oligarchs instead of him. Literally did this to himself.

Like Thanos ?

Bernie or Luigi. Choose one.

Truest true I’ve ever read.

The 1% are America, the rest are just sheep.

So… the democrat party choosing Hillary over Bernie?

So Democratic primary voters made Luigi?

In what world does that make sense considering **Republicans** blocked single payer back in 2009?

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