Let’s start the investigation from Mr. President&co

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BFFS 4EVA!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wasn’t Trump a regular of Epstein?

They both literally think “president” is another word for a king. Just zero idea what presidents actually do, or what limits exist on their power.

Does Trump know what trafficking minors means? They mine for coal or anything like that.

“Hey guys, now I’m in charge I’m going to kill us all!” – Trump, at his last staff meeting.

Guessing Elon has done both. Fucked underaged kids and exploited emerald miners

They just can’t help but project. Its wild.

What do you hear that… Matt Gaetz your next buddy step on up!

Do MAGA not feel embarrassed everyday? How many mental hoops they gotta jump through to justify this orangutan must be exhausting

Trump really doesn’t give a shit. He lives from one moment to the next. He is already so old that he will die before facing the consequences of any of his decisions. His hypocrisy is a given.

Man… that is quite the “every GOP accusation is a confession” right there.

Says the guy who brags about walking in on half dressed beauty contestants and thinking about sex with his daughter.

Well if William Barr had anything to say about it, the ~~unitary executive~~ President is a king

what an absolute CLOWN show. I can’t stock up enough popcorn

Man… imagine the metaohorical balls it takes to be at the very least acquaintances with traffickers of minors but honestly it seems more like *a* trafficker of minors and make this sort of statement. Yeah, Mr. President. Let’s go with your plan. Not any sort of study into why these things happen followed by action to lessen the amount and impact of this thing. Let’s just go straight to killin’. Fucking idiot.

So trump is going to inject himself ? Didn’t he find his daughter hot ?

That’s a great idea. Starting with himself.

Make an example out of Beavis Gaetz.

He’s not President, Elon Musk is President.

He did say just trafficking, you know, because he might be investigated for having sex with a minor or maybe daughter. But, I’m just guessing.

What’s the punishment for deliberately barging into a changing room where teen girls are naked, just to creep on them. Trump admitted to that on national radio.

Maybe start with your buddy Matt Gaetz…or yourself.

How will trump accomplish this? The president doesn’t set crime penalties.


I appreciate the sentiment of his intentions, will settle for full and unredacted client list of Epstein.

Never mind that pesky constitution…he’s such a fucking moron, my god.

They say shit like this, but when it’s literally time to prove thier words, they bitch and whine why people aren’t nice and trust thier favorite rapist

Welp, I mean, if the shoe fits then I say he wear it.

Why is it when he does these little speeches it looks like he’s hosting a telethon

He’s suicidal.

Or wished well in their trial by the President who partied with the guy they trafficked minors for.

Bozi Txa

Or have their 13 year old accuser disappear

except Ghislaine Maxwell. He wishes that convicted child trafficker well.

The problem with this is they’ll try to get any LGBTQ people charged with this just for being around children.

Says the Convicted Sexual Abuser/Rapist. Moron.

the important word in that statement is ‘caught’. that’s what gives his cronies an out

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