people still grasping at straws to defend UHC guy

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Itโ€™s a particularly funny thing to try given he lived in a separate house from the wife and kids. Thereโ€™s a reason pics of him and his happy family seem to be scarce, I presume.ย 

How many health care subscribers will be without loved ones this year because of the deceased?

I’m sorry for his children, no child deserves to lose a parent, but if you are going to play that sympathy game then you do have to ask just how many parents died after spurious reasons were given to deny them medical coverage.

Just a reminder that there will also be many broken hearted families this Christmas who lost a loved one during the year due to being denied healthcare their doctors wanted, but insurance wouldn’t cover.

Murder is never acceptable. But neither is the paperwork allowing it to happen “legally”.

Hiding behind kids since…..


To the right wing, there is no greater accomplishment than creating more human life to suffer for their false god.

They are sick people, and anything they say should be discarded like they they are doing with their holy book and the constitution.

The right has a child fetish and its weird to say the very least.

Didn’t the mother have custody of the kids? I doubt they saw him anyways

oh man they only get to have millions of dollars

I saw someone trying out the โ€œshot in the backโ€ thing earlier, as if taking someoneโ€™s money for healthcare then refusing it in court until they die of their illness is not clearly a lower, more evil and more cowardly act.

“He had unprotected sex twice, and that’s why his life should have been spared” is crazy.

You know who else had kids?

A good portion of the patients that CEO denied coverage to.

Joe Walsh called Obama a liar and he can’t shut right the fuck up

How many kids will be without their father who was denied life saving healthcare Joe? Is it more or less than two? Dimwit

What’s with the little Deadpool?

Osama bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein both had children (the youngest was 6). We killed at least 3 of them too and cheered their deaths as well.

Gotta love that smile โœŒ๏ธ

It’s a little more than two children that will be without their father this Christmas because of that fucking murderer.

Thankfully Luigi Mangione avenged them in some capacity

Maybe unpopular, but it is a murder and he will see jail time.

I just donโ€™t give a fuck about the victim.

Villains have kids tooโ€ฆ

Just start telling these clowns โ€œI donโ€™t give a shit about his kidsโ€ and leave it at that. Then what do they have? Itโ€™s all redirection for them. Give them another answer and theyโ€™ll use more โ€œwhataboutismโ€

FrFr like “well ik he indirectly killed thousands but you see he had kids”

Like ok didn’t Hitler also have offspring too? Cmon people.

Edit: bad example,

but pick any horrible person from history that had kids and my point stands.


Will his kids figure out not to be scumbags when they grow up though?

How many parents don’t have kids because of other parents arming their children and hiding behind the second amendment like a shield?

Cool cool, now tell me how many other kids are having Christmas without a parent because UHC refused to cover their medical care?

They might not have chosen to live a life of luxury funded by the death and suffering of others, but they are still living that life of luxury. They will cry themselves to sleep on the finest linens money can buy. The same can’t be said of their father’s victims.

I was almost switched to United the day Brian Thompson died, I immediately went down to health and human services and got it switched back to my old MCO because there is no way I’m having a fucking AI designed by a psycho dead guy controlling my health care. Rest in shit Brian Thompson.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable

Like I give a fuck about those two silver spoon brats. Feeling this grief is the closest they’ll ever be to being average people.

You gotta admit tho, that’s a dazzling smile and set of eye brows.

Crazy how they made this into right vs left again and everybody bought into that old narrative. Lost cause now.

Where is this condemnation for mass shootings that happens hundreds of times a year? Oh, thatโ€™s the proletariat killing more proletariat, so I guess thatโ€™s different.

Do I feel bad as a husband and father? Of course, thatโ€™s traumatic for anyone to have to deal with, regardless of financial status. Do I feel bad for him as a person? Gonna be a hell no from me.

How many kids did he kill for profits and returns?

If the CEO was black and shot by a police officer, all weโ€™d see would be the mugshot from his DUI, conservative threads talking about how he cheated on his wife, and how he shouldnโ€™t have been out after dark in NYC.

Brilliant that they keep bringing up the kids, maybe I’m callous, but I’m finding it really hard to care.

Osama had 23 kids… didn’t come up much when that terrorist was taken out… He had a much lower body count than Thompson.

It’s a valid point. But it’s also valid that countless people who were denied medical care by his faulty AI algorithm are mourning dead family this time of year

Is he sentenced already?

How many thousands without their loved ones because of the health insurance company?

I wonder how many families that exact fucking sentence has applied to because of Brian Thompson and his cocksuckers.

Gonna be too many parents facing Christmas without their children too.

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