Iranian women standing in front of a hijab poster

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Legit hope she’s ok. Things like this often don’t end up well for Iranian women.

I wish freedom and safety for the whole Persian world

Damn that’s bold af but extremely risky. Iran recently passed a law saying women who don’t wear a hijab can be sentenced to death

This isn’t the west, that picture can and will be used against her in Iran and the morality police will be coming for her.


Iran’s morality police, also known as the Guidance Patrol, enforce Islamic dress code, such as requiring women to wear a hijab. They have been known to arrest women for wearing “inappropriate” hijabs and enforce other restrictions on freedom of expression.

In 2022, the morality police arrested Mahsa Amini for allegedly wearing a hijab improperly, and she died two days later from internal injuries. In October 2023, a 17-year-old Iranian girl, Armita Geravand, fell into a coma and was declared brain dead after an alleged encounter with morality police officers.

and they say punk is dead

Brave woman. I sincerely hope she is safe.

She know what she’s doing with them boots lol

Women should get out of that country, leave the men there.

That’s not safe to do over there.

Woman life freedom
زن زندگی آزادی

She is badass

Got to admire these brave women, bigger balls than most men.

I mean this is sexy af tho

Real woman right there.

Fuck the Iranian government. Absolutely disgusting women are subjected to this shit.

Iranian women are one of the most inspiring group of ppl around the world. It takes a lot of courage to speak up about an oppressive religion while you live under pure dictatorship in ME. I hope the woman in this pic is okay.

As an individual, I’d be sickened with myself forcing anyone to wear anything. These people do it as a whole ass nation. Insecure control freaks 🤢

A suffrage type movement is required to unite and rise up en mass against the oppressions.

Power in numbers.

The important thing is choice, as long as you have that, you are free

EDIT…I should have added ‘choice without repercussions’

The Persians need to evict Islam from their civilization.

Fuck better education, public safety, quality of life, air quality, equality, economy, country’s world standing etc. Bigger problem is women showing hair on their head. Dumb leaders with dumb laws.

She’s definitely more brave than I am to do such a thing in a country where this rule is heavily enforced

Islam extremism is pretty fucked.

I hope she is OK.



Go girl! Power to the women of the New Iran!

iran don’t want hoes in their country

People forget how amazing Iran was a few decades ago before the extremists took over. Women were very well educated, and they had freedom and happiness. Arabic women are so beautiful. It’s a shame that men dictate what they have to wear in that country.

She’s a hottie 😍

“Please observe Islamic hijab”

Ok, I’m looking at it. Now what?

Freedom for Iranian women!
But seriously though, I also hate how much some people in the comments here are sexualizing her. With this, you’re basically telling Islamists that the consequence of women not wearing hijabs is sexualization, and that just strengthens their zeal on the matter.

Advance RIP 😔

Organization 13 coat

She’s too fine to be hidden away…

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