Ariana is messy af and people forget

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How this man pulled both of these women is beyond me.


Facts. I haven’t forgotten. This is why I don’t like Ari as a person. I can’t stand her annoying crazy fandom who sees that she can do no wrong 🙄.

Artist who made the song “Break up with your girlfriend cause I’m bored” chases after non-single men. More shocking news at 11.

Dude looks like that munchkin guy in Wicked.

Edit: LOL. Didn’t realize the guy WAS the munchkin guy in Wicked. Thought for a minute she may have a type.

He looks like the kid Junie from Spy Kids and Peewee Herman had a baby.

It feels like nobody forgot? lol am i on a different internet?

She needs to be cast alongside Aaron Taylor-Johnson now

Naya told us from the start!

Zuck looking ass

I can’t stand her since she licked that donut and giggled like a toddler

What was wrong between them was his weak ass. Looking the way he does his basic thought was to move up the ladder instead of being faithful to someone he clearly didn’t deserve. And for what? Did he really think Adriana is going to be forever? Loser.

He left his wife for another woman after she went through a super high risk pregnancy (preeclampsia) and was then suffering from post partum depression. Truly the absolute scum of the f*cking earth. Oh and she relocated to a foreign country for two years for him too. Why would *anyone* want this troll?!

his ugliness surprises me every time.

he’s so ugly too it’s crazy

FWIW… because she’s such a shallow person she was easily the best choice for Glinda… because that’s literally the character.


That’s the fuck nugget who licks donuts right?

They look alike now. Both horrible people.

She dates very ugly guys 🥴 but this dude is her brothers twin lmao

Ariana is a donut licking POS, everyone pretends she’s angelic but she’s a bitch.

Jesus, never let Ari preach feminism, cos she’ll gladly screw over other women over to steal their men for herself.


Ariana did such a great job of playing the victim.

Her talent level really does over shadow her messiness. Which says a lot because girl really is messy af, you told no lies there 😂

Honestly, Fuck her and SpongeBob. They both suck as humans.

She trashy.

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds did the same shit while he was married.

Trash humans.

That is…. Not an attractive man. Sorry but actually wtf?

Well she must have given very ugly men hope all over the world because he looks like a chucky doll

I mean, Ethan Slater is obviously the messiest one in this situation.

And look at both these women. He must have a DAMN good personality to get that beautiful psychologist in high school.

He looks like her brother. That’s the weirdest thing about this.

anybody with 2 eyes can see this dude is using Ariana. He hit a big lick. His name everywhere now.

Zuckerberg’s new look

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