I tried to print fake money for a Christmas prank and my printer wouldn’t let me

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Finish the rest yourself

just buy prop money. It looks pretty realistic and it says “In Prop, We Trust” on it. It’s pretty dope.

Every printer that is allowed in the USA has firmware that recognizes the constellation on every bill of US currency and once recognized as currency, the code within the firmware kicks in and messes up everyone’s dreams of printing US currency at home. Even scanners now recognize the constellation and screw up the scan in multiple ways (color, dpi, etc.).

okay now just flip the image around and start printing from the bottom until it stops. then you can glue them together!

I love how it lets you waste the ink before telling you lmao

When I was 14 my dad got us a scanner and a good printer around ’97. I did what any kid would do and printed a bunch of ones. To my surprise, it worked in an All-Sport (kind of like Power Aid) vending machine.

Few days later my dad found out and ripped all my money, even the real ones.

EDIT: Yo guys chill. I’m not trying to say he was a bad dad. I was a freshman and didn’t know shit at the time. Kept me from doing the Chase Infinite Money glitch as an adult. lol

You can google “fake money” which should look similar (green, has the number on it) but it still obviously fake money (might say “fake money” on it, or have a different person on it). Your printer might let you print that.


I love the fact it still printed half, just to waste your ink. 😂😂😂

Fucking ass holes.

just print the other side, duh


Printers are programmed to do this on purpose to make it harder for people to make counterfeit money.

The old 1st gen inkjet printers would let you print money, but they smeared as soon as a drop of moisture hit them.

About 15 years ago had a teenage buddy who thought this was his next big move. Got some thick cotton card stock, scanned some 20s. He was able to get them to print and bought a few hundred dollars worth of acid.

Needless to say, a guy busted in his front door screaming at him a few hours later.

His whole life has been dumbass schemes like this with 0 consequences. Must be nice.

Back in like 2000 or 2001 my boyfriend’s best friend printed money that looked really real. They went on a senior class trip and a few of the students used the money. A few months later the guy came home from school to find FBI agents waiting for him and his mom crying in the kitchen. He got probation and still went on to graduate and attend a really good university. He majored in computer engineering and has some crazy secret job now.

Repeat this a bunch of times, then have it so only the top bit is showing. Then, when they’re pulled put it detonates the glitter bomb

I tried going to rulesforuse.org. It would not bring up any site and timed out. Are there a bunch of silent overlords that I am unaware of here?

You need to be careful doing this. Some copier companies will disable the machine and require you to call them to unlock it and explain what you were doing. Do it more than once and you will get a visit from the Secret Service.

Now I’ve got to see if my printer is a narc.

Rotate it 22.4° (or some weird number of degrees) and try it again.

I’m surprised a dialog box didn’t pop up from your printers software asking you to pay a subscription fee to finish this type of printing.

Real missed opportunity for rulesofuse.org to not just forward to a blank screen with


I tried to scan a the front of a $100 bill for an art project (the Ben portrait namely) almost 20 years ago and it wouldn’t scan the bill. The software presented a warning message that counterfeiting is a federal crime. So I covered portions of it and scanned it in sections then stitched them together in editing

But it’s fine if the Federal Reserve do it…

One rule for you… another for them…

Congrats you just committed a felony.

I like how it prints half the bill to waste your color ink before dropping the tiny “you can’t do this” link

My dad used to troll lots of pawn shops and stuff for cheap and other equipment the shop didn’t research properly, so undervalued. One time he bought a computer from near a college, and it was never wiped. When he was digging through the hard drive there was a set of documents to print fake $20s. it had specific instructions on what TYPE of paper to buy, and which documents to print on which type of printer to fool most automated machines. This was back in the late 90s so a lot has changed since then, but was an interesting find.

Probably for the best. It’s pretty shitty to fuck around with money. That includes tricking people into being happy about receiving real money only to find out it’s fake.

Nothing like a felony to start off the new year!

more like mildly infuriating

Now rotate the bill 180 degrees, print again, and tape the two halves together 😎

Obviously it’s prevented you inadvertently getting into trouble but this does seem a bit dystopian, a bit like mandatory speed limiters in cars.

Skill issue.

Congratulations you’re on a list now

You should look at the Eurion constellation. You’ll find it on most world bank notes. Some are pretty artistic in the way they do it. I like the USD $20 the most.

Yeah in Christmas my dad was telling everyone money ain’t everything and took the fake money out of of his wallet showed everyone and started burning them kids were yelling “no”
Fun times

cut it out, leaving room for the bottom.

Then on the lower part write something like “my printer ran out of ink :(“

Fuck printers, just become an artist and draw a realistic twenty dollar bill.

Someone once brought a printer back to return at the Walmart I worked at. He tried to return it and say that it wasn’t working correctly and kept jamming the paper. He made a point to be loud and rude and it’s basically the workers fault the equipment is shitty. (It was HP, so go figure honestly lol)

Anyway, we go to plug it in really quick and ‘test’ it, and a paper comes out with money printed on it. There is another sheet inside the printer that is accordioned to the nth degree and jammed in and stuck, and it also had money printed on it. American 20$.

Our manager ended up calling the cops since printing money is a crime, only because the dude kept being shitty at us at the return counter over it.

Like, when the first paper with money on it spit out, we laughed and made a joke about how illegal that is, no wonder it didn’t work, glad it stopped before you got a felony, etc. But the dude just stared at us and kept being belligerent about the return policy. (He didn’t have a box, receipt, paperwork, etc, nothing for this printer except his word that he bought it here 4 days ago. We didn’t actually sell that particular model at all lol)

Funny because dude was given every opportunity to not get taken by police, but stupid is as stupid does I suppose.

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