No pizza party there…

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I’m sure their CEO sleeps well at night and has no fear walking down the sidewalk

That’s how it should be.

Employees should share directly in the profits of the company.

And not some symbolic amount which lets dishonest people pretend that everything is fine, an actual respectable amount.

We should have more news like this and put it right next to the polar opposite CEO gets $150 million bonus story. Then try to make the comparison a big story in itself. Shining a light on the self serving greedy class and recording it forever in posterity will at least keep a great record of the moral decay in our civilisation.

And just like… that they never had hiring or retention problems again.

Singapore Air in flight service is fantastic

Great! Some companies actually value the people who make them money. I’d LOVE to see more of this!

Luigi approves

This was announced in May 2024. I’d never heard a word of it. Or had a lot of America, it would seem.
Of course they had a union.

If you want loyal workers, this is the way.

That’s just how companies should operate, massive profits, spread the love. 

you *might* start to see more of this happen, as c-suite is nervous and would like the quiet the unrest among the poors. Should add, good on Singapore Airlines for doing what they did.

yeah because they’re one of the best airlines in the world. affordable sane normal company that’s not out to completely screw everyone over with scorched earth levels of corporate greed

Luigi approves!

Is the company’s decision to share profits with workers a voluntary initiative reflecting their values, or is it a response to legal or regulatory requirements imposed by the state?

We used to have cooperatives where the workers and community supported and profited with businesses. These politicians need to go to Farmers Union Camp this summer so they can learn a thing or two from those camp counselors. The dress-up days and dances are pretty sweet too. Maybe don’t send Matt Gaetz though….

Umm US corporations need to take notes from this!!!

Singapore airlines is preem

You guys get pizza?

Kinda wild the things that unions can accomplish isn’t it….
[Singapore Air Bonus Details](

To be clear the bonus isn’t that great given the base pay is low. The total pay package includes a series of allowances that make up a bigger percentage of the monthly salary as seen in this link below.

But it’s still a good amount of money.

Now this is how you treat your employees. Give them proper bonuses, ensure they have time off when they need it, and treat them with respect, and your employees will move fucking mountains for you.

This is how you get your employees to give a shit about their job and their respective role in the company.

They are going to save so much money by not having to retrain and hire new people by doing this.

Absolutely irresponsible. Any reputable corporate director would realize this is just going to make meeting the next round of street estimates and layoffs are required to avoid a shareholder suit.

I’m guessing when workers in Singapore go on strike they do it with pitchforks and gulliotines, but I’m probably wrong.

Guys, you got to see what they getting their increase from. Word on the street is this takes the sq staff on par with their peers.

Crew and ground staff get pro ratated increase. Execs get most of the pay bump.

Singapore.. Truly kings of spinning anything to their advantage.

What a concept!!!

Seems to me like communism is fucking working over there if ya ask me

This is the way.

I need to leave the US….

Eight months salary worth of pizza


I think there are some companies in the US that does this too…lol just joking.

My spouse’s company got rid of the Christmas bonus pay, the Christmas payraise (done every year since the company was founded 50+ years ago), and axed the pizza party and instead gave each employee a singular sugar cookie. They announced these changes a week ago. They made record profits this year.

They already cut hours by 40% and another cut is coming apparently in February. No one is happy.

Singapore is built different

CEO not gonna get shot for sure

Holy fucking shit could you imagine

this would never happen in USA 😭

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