Told my girlfriend I caught it so she could sleep, but it’s still at large.

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I did that to my daughter. Unfortunately, the spider reappeared a few minutes later and my daughter now believes that her room is infested with a spider colony.

The only thing scarier seeing that spider is not seeing it anymore

It’s very risky, brother. You won’t have any credibility if she finds it again.

**You cannot sleep when enemies are nearby**

y’know, it’s not tarantulas and stuff i fear as an arachnophobe; they’re chunky and kinda cute.

it’s these thin fuckers with tapered legs that fucking machrush you at 450km/s that spook me. like, ugh! they’re so alien! eight legs, eight eyes, ultra thin. like dawg, what kinda god makes this shit?

Every time we find a spider I’ll give it a name, tell my wife “Jeff and I have an agreement. Free room and board as long as he eats the bugs and leaves when they’re all gone.”

All fun and games until she wakes up cuddling the spider.

Careful that lie doesn’t come back to bite you.

LIVE carnivore working for free to eliminate bugs ? I’ll take them.

I bet that fucker has an HP bar if you prod it.

Just a reminder.

If/When your Girlfriend finds out,the spider would be the welcoming alternative.

Fucking diabolical. Iโ€™ve definitely missed a spider or two and assured my wife theyโ€™re dead. But this thing is MASSIVE. Thereโ€™s no way Iโ€™d be able to sleep

How to create deeply rooted trust issues with this one easy trick

Nah, rather be berated slightly than to hear her blood curdling screams. My wife’s better with spiders now, but this would send her over the edge.

I specifically keep different sized rubber maid containers to catch most sized spiders. This one needs the Simpson dome

With locality some of us might be able to give an ID. The likelyhood that this specimen has medically significant venom is low (although that does become more likely if you live in Australia). If youโ€™re in the US, this is NOT one of the two species with medically significant venom (neither a black widow nor recluse) and you may relax, itโ€™s more likely to keep biting insects at bay than it is to actually bite you. Looks like some sort of Lycosid to me but better pictures would probably be necessary for more specific ID too. Maybe crosspost it if youโ€™re truly interested.

**You are not safe!**

She didnโ€™t ask to see the body?

“Still at at large” got me dying

If it shows up again sheโ€™s never ever trusting you againย 

What’s it called? They freak me out but my husband hubby says not to kill them.

Iโ€™d break up w you fr ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Always a good idea to lie to your partner ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

I would end the relationship because of that ๐Ÿ˜‰

Comments like the top ones in this thread always remind me Redditors canโ€™t be real people lmao. Have I or will i interact with an individual who says they let tarantulas roam around their house to โ€œeatโ€ fucking โ€œbugsโ€ and they give them a name.

And these comments will have the most upvotes. Like do all 100s of you people do this shit as well? If Iโ€™m the weird one here Iโ€™m happy to be the weirdo. Because keeping big ass spiders around us so anti hospitable. I canโ€™t imagine bringing family or girls over knowing I have a tarantula that could bust out of my kitchen table at any time.

You’re gonna get murdered if she finds out. Though I suppose there’s no defense against “there must have been two”.

I hate spiders…

need banana for scale!

I did this to one of my best friends in college once. She is HORRIBLY afraid of spiders and has anxiety.

There was a huge spider on her wall. She fled into the other room while I attempted to grab it, but I missed. It fell down the wall behind the couch. I looked but couldnโ€™t find it anywhere.

I knew that if I told her the truth, she would literally be up all night terrified of where it was and when it would get her.

So I took the piece of tissue to the bathroom and flushed it anyway. Told her I got it.

It was only years later, after she moved out of the apartment that I told her what really happened. She was able to laugh about it but told me I absolutely made the correct call. She still brings it up sometimes.

That is not a soup noodle, no need to worry.

Heโ€™ll nah!! We would be moving ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Now this new owner for your house ๐Ÿ˜

Noone betrays you like your own ๐Ÿ˜‚

Depending on where you live thatโ€™s either a species of huntsman, or dark fishing spider.

Both are harmless to humans, but both will bite if provoked.

I would break up with for this lie

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