This is very, very bad for the future of Computer Science…

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Lol what happened to America first

Lmao now being an expert on codeforces is going to be a bare minimum in usa 😂😂😂.

Not enough engineers that would work for shit wages and long hours without leaving the company for better opportunities in 2 years.

From what I understand, SpaceX has a high degree of employee churn. He wants more H1Bs so he can hire people on a tight leash who won’t quit easily and will work for less money.

Idk bruh even current h1bs are struggling to find jobs in this market these people have no idea how bad it is they laid off people including h1bs now they want more h1bs? Make it make sense

These boomers are going to be starving in the streets after they get done with social security lmao

They are going to erase the middle class. Good luck!

Isn’t this a huge problem in Canada with foreign IT or Engineers coming over and working for like pennies on the dollar?

Yes, let’s flood the market with MORE engineers. That will fix that annoying “fair employee pay” issue Elon has been having.

So funny that Elon went from “90% of engineers can be laid off and don’t do anything” to “we need more engineers!”

It’s less a lack of engineers and more a lack of engineers that are open to 60-80 hour work weeks. There is a surplus of engineers looking for work. This is more about having a workforce that is not able to critique their workplace without repercussions.

Musk’s companies, for example, are notorious for:

1. Demanding employees to work 60-80 hours per week if they expect to advance or even retain employment.

2. Toxic work culture: multiple counts of rampant sexual harassment and racism in Tesla and spacex

3. Toxic in general: Tesla and SpaceX are both under fire for illegal waste disposal. An immigrant workforce is less tied to the locals, and is less likely to condemn the company for illegal waste disposal.

Basically: Musk wants a workforce that he can abuse without repercussions.

guy is the richest man in the world but still needs to change the rules to make even more money

Indian here. I can tell by experience this is not for the betterment of anyone but the companies. There are so many CS grads in India that some companies have started asking “fees” for letting someone be employed in a CS internship with them. I’m myself working in an internship which pays me 4000 rupees a month ($47, PPP adjusted is about $200). Having too many engineers will make them underpaid because there will definitely be someone else willing to do it for cheaper. Elon probably just wants to pay them less.

You mean it’s bad for a subset of people who want to get jobs in software engineering in the US.

Probably is good for “computer science” since it’ll attract more resources for higher ed in CS in the most prolific research institutions.

Elections have consequences.

America gets what it fucking deserves.

I thought a lot of people voted R to regulate and reduce H1bs.

Misleading title — it might be bad for the future of domestic/native CS workers, not bad for the future of computer science. Skilled immigration has been beneficial so far, and will continue to be beneficial.

Elon says a lot, but a guiding principle for Trump is to be has hard on immigration as possible within the law. Doubling H1B would be more immigrants, and I don’t think Trump would go for it over the potential backlash, even if the corpos want it.

So… what is it? You got trump telling people a mass deportation is imminent, that “Americans are gonna get their jobs back”, yet his billionaire boyfriend is advocating for more visas? Can we choose an agenda here?

These last few years feel like I’m stuck in an alternate comedic universe. These cannot be the people deciding the future of 340 million people. Can I go back to the real one please?

Great job to moronic American tech workers who voted for Trump.

“America first” means we must hire exponentially more non-Americans.

These policies are going to damage the USA tech job market. Elon, the person who laid off 80% of Twitter and wants to eliminate many federal government jobs and is looking for salaried employees who will work 80+ hrs/week, is supposed to be helping USA tech workers? Seriously?

The way some people defend this makes it seem like Elon’s publicity team is in full force on r/csmajors. Expect a harder time for the next 4 years (probably more!) to get a tech job, worse job security, worse pay, and worse wlb.

Not really. He wants slaves he can exploit and enslave at the drop of a hat and can work to death for shit wages while he gets all the glory and credit.

Delay, deny, depose.

0% chance it happens with Trump. He’s not just anti illegal immigrant. He’s flat out anti immigrant. His stance on DACA is evidence of this.

It’s just flat out false. Notice how in his statement he adds “and motivated”? He just wants to pay engineers less.

This is great for the future of comp sci. You just don’t understand how an H1-B works lol

Oh no Americans don’t come running to our third world countries now for jobs 😂

Canada ran this experiment. It was not successful.

Stop tying it to corporate sponsorship. That’s slavery

We need more h1bs for real cutting edge work like designing photonics computers, novel wireless technologies, lasers, semiconductors, nuclear reactors etc. Don’t be scared about competition for software engineering if you are just building CRUD apps… AI is already going to remove your job if you’re worried an indian will. You need to upskill and pivot.

He’s looking to get some cheap slave labor. Think of all the money he can save.

You need to import more Luigis.

*Muskrat just wants cheap engineers he can threaten with deportation if they don’t work the hours and pay he wants or complain about work conditions. This is why Trump likes to hire illegal Eastern European construction workers to build for him*

Doesn’t have enough engineers? Are you kidding me? They’re literally a dime a dozen. Total cheap labor play

What does the US not have a supposed shortage of? Oligarchs claim there are shortages of everything. Even if most people with those skills are unemployed. 

This is BS. My son graduated CS from an Ivy with a 3.7 GPA in May and finally started his first job in mid November. He wasn’t being picky; in fact, the job offer he accepted was the first offer he even got. He started the interview process with over 20 companies in a wide range of industries. There is something else going on here.

People like to act like the job market is zero sum. That letting an immigrant into the country for work inherently means a job taken away from a US citizen. But that’s just not how it works.

These immigrants come here, create companies, and are a net positive for our country. Look no further than Musk. He created SpaceX which has 13,000 employees and (basically) created Tesla which has 121,000 employees. That’s over 130,000 jobs created which primarily employ US citizens.

And it’s not just Musk. Google, eBay, Stripe, Yahoo, Zoom, Nvidia were founded/co-founded by an immigrant. Over 50% of unicorn startups are founded by immigrants.

This anti-immigrant rhetoric is incredibly disappointing. We should always encourage the best and brightest to move to the United States.

Considering how many CS majors can’t find internships or jobs, this makes no sense. There needs to be an actual shortage first. Also, I’ve seen H1b used for finance jobs, totally crazy. It very much needs to be regulated and limited.

Hi, I have an H1B visa and I wanted to clear some things up here

Those Indian “consultancies”? They fuck us over too. They game the system by applying as many people as possible and taking as many slots out of the H1B lottery. They pay their workers a shit wage and what they do is outright illegal – the law says that you must have a position for each H1B applicant.

Meanwhile, people who studied in US universities, whose quality doesn’t befall people born in America, have to fight for crumbs in a broken system. The H1B was never intended to be a competitive lottery. Once upon a time there were enough visas for everyone. It wasn’t the intent. It’s very unfair that some very high quality people have to lose their jobs, already working for companies in the US, because they just weren’t lucky enough to win it. It encourages new grads to apply year after year, making it harder to change jobs, and forces many people into much sillier avenues into getting a work visa, such as getting a bullshit Master or marrying an American when you’re not really ready for that.

Trump’s team also said they want to send 18,000 Indian IT people back to India. Maybe they’re saying this to make it seem like their protecting American jobs but will actually bring in many more foreign programmers.

There’s already an adequate labor pool of native workers. People are already having difficulty getting long term, well compensated employment. Add this to the AI replacement thats occurring. This is legal slavery:

“The DOL finds that some H-1B visa holders are underpaid, and some companies violate the law. There is evidence of widespread wage theft in the H-1B visa program.”

What kind of company pays h1b less than its regular employees outside of shitty indian consultancies? If you can’t outcompete people who didn’t grow up speaking english than maybe it’s time to reflect on your skills instead of scapegoating every single issue to foreigners.

Well unfortunately it’s been going on for a long time.

The reality, the US needs to put US graduates of all disciplines ahead of Visa holders.

There just are not enough jobs to handle all of the US college graduates.

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