GF sent me a picture of her new dress.

By rmitsuo
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Took me a minute, but I was delighted as soon as I saw it.

lol! I was looking for cats in the skirt’s pattern, and then I saw the eyes!

At first I was like, not sure why this is in this sub 😂😂😂

Omg the lack of brain cell in that poor baby 🤣


the flabers where ghasted in that little void.

Love the cat, love the dress, but what’s up with murder scene in the background?

The cat seems enthralled with it.

Cat is impressed by the new dress!

comment image?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db3a8642ff0f29103e6e3dc05f6818a94ea8301


I love the cat’s reaction. hehe he’s amazed.

Möther. Wat is doin. I need ATTENTION

I love that dress!!! But the cat looks deranged!

That cat has me rolling ROFL

I choked on my fries, lmao 🤣

That one brain cell void doesn’t know what to think 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Kitty is awestruck

Yes I needed this

*What does this have to do with black ca…*

Dude. I almost spit out my sandwich.

I think the cat had to sneeze or hears something or is actually missing its braincell.

Lost reddito…. Ahhh

In absolute awe of the dress 😭

That cat is in AWE!!

There’s no cat in mirror 👀

Man I hope it’s called *Tuna*

Thank you for making my day.

This makes me so happy omg LOL

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