Well that’s amazing.

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Have they considered… not lying?

“..and studies frustratingly aren’t usually on our side.”

This sounds like a Simpsons quote.

Oh……so close there…..keep thinking…..

Almost self-aware.

>Unless the fact checkers use misinformation tactics as well

I’m going to find this guy’s house and pour sand all over his carpets

The only way we can get anyone to believe us is tell them lies. That’s deep. /s

“Propaganda… you keep using this word and I do not think it means what you think it means.”

This is the dumbest timeline.

Should be in r/SelfAwareWolves, if it isn’t already.

I can’t believe I just read that. Wow.

God himself could come down and say Trump is a fraud and half of his followers would say that God is infected by the “woke virus”

The truth Doesn’t Matter for those who voted for Trump (and to the right in general). They just love what he says.

“I have to deliberately lie in order to present my narrative as real”

Currently at my parents’ house for Christmas and Fux News plays in the morning. It started today with 5 seconds of “Trump said a weird thing on Twitter on Christmas Day” and spent the next 20 minutes saying “Where’s Joe Biden? He’s so OLD!”

It hard to prove them wrong because they are right, ahh moment.

This is bizarre. Right wing admits that it’s hard to poke holes in the “truth “ most of the time.

They won’t stop trying though.

So it is officiall, untruth and lies are equally acceptable than truth and facts

The last paragraph could be cleaned up by just saying “doing mental gymnastics”

I used to think that people that were this transparently stupid as all holy bright red rusty flaming fuck were just troll posts. I really did.

I now know that not just some, but many actual human beings in the United States are so ultra fat, lazy, stupid, and entitled by the society that science and technology and.. smart people.. built for them that they are able to live in these delusions.

War makes more sense to me now, because as people forget the horrors that hating each other creates, they start toying with it again. And then something blows up, and people are murdering their neighbors, then afterwards we all think oh that could never happen again.

Fuck man

Almost gets it… Painfully close


Lying is always more trouble than the simple truth.

That bottom one seems like satire to me.

explains why they have to dig so deep or just make shit up to get poutraged about

Almost as if the right wing has become a cult…

“It’s a well known fact that reality has a liberal bias.”

Holy fuck… They know… and still do it!?

Reality đź‘Ź has đź‘Ź a đź‘Ź well đź‘Ź known đź‘Ź liberal đź‘Ź bias đź‘Ź

the “right winger” in that feels like a left winger doing a hilarious subtle trolling, but its via (ironically) a truism.

the phantasm is quite powerful i guess

really right at the door of critical thinking and they just see the end of the earth

“yeah I’m in it for the discourse, I don’t really care about being truthful as long as I get to argue about it” is a dogshit stance.

It’s like reality is left-leaning.

Gotta be a joke but wouldn’t be surprised if real

That last paragraph is demonstrably untrue.

Takes way more effort to debunk bullshit than to create it. And bullshit spreads easily and rapidly.

The left and liberals’ relative unwillingness to lie has only hurt them in gaining power.

Duh…it’s called science and education, the right should try it

Isn’t this just an “ate the onion”?

Thats why they try and discredit the factcheckers so much

“…unless fact checkers used misinformation as well.” I’ll take a wild shot, here to call out Fox News for doing exactly that.

Lying seems extremely effective for them so I don’t know what they’re worried about.

Reality has a left-wing bias.

This reads like a leftist wrote it cosplaying as someone on the right. I would never expect someone on the right to correctly identify, generally speaking, the left operates on facts and the right operates on misinformation.

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